Asian men haircut


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Hi all, i'm a chinese male with male pattern baldness 30 years old. I've decided to finally buzz my hair due to further recession and diffusion. However, I wonder if it'll look weird for an asian guy to shave smooth ones head, don't see it at all around here. How about buzzing it, how should I do it? My sides and back of head are as thin as the top btw.


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its tough to say without knowing what your headshape posting a pic would help. i personally use a 2 on the sides and a 3 on the top. i have also done 1 on the side and 2 on top, and i like that also. my preference is to go shorter on the sides and 1 grade more on top. the scalp you see on the sides bc of the shortness blends in with the scalp you see on top bc of the works out nicely.