Ashley and Martin success stories?


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Ashly and Martin
I am considering joining Ashley and Martin as it is $700 a year (after the first year) and I think it includes the necessary supply of Proscar, minoxidil 7%, Retin A, Saw Palmeto, Lazer therapy etc. In Australia, buying these products from the local chemist would probablly be more expensive. Does anyone have any experience with Ashley and Martin. Does anyone know of any Ashley and Martin success stories? There must be some out there somewhere


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Hey mate
It wont cost you more than $700 a year. Saw palmatto and laser wont help. Yes the minoxidil might, but i dont think you want to pay $700 a year for minoxidil when you can get it online for much cheaper. Also the first yr they charge you like over $3000. It is a waste of money, stay away


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That's not so bad if you can afford it. A years supply of Propecia costs about $1000 in Australia plus you're getting a few other treatments and 'professional' support. But it is an unecessary luxury...I don't know if I would do it even if I had the money.


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The Guarantee is appealing!

Guys I don't want to sound like I am a A&M agent :) but I am just trying to way up the benefits of all the available options.

I agree that the $3000 for the first year is a major rip off. However, they do offer a money back guarantee. If they are using the big 3 ie. rogain, minoxidil (7%), a good anti-dandruff shampoo, plus some questionable therapy like lazer, then I guess I am not exactly getting bad treatment.

I am not rich, but I figure that the $3000 is only for the first year and then they are quite competitive when compared with buying the products online ($700 per year). And if they don't work, I get my money back - you don't get that with online purchases.

I am starting to think that if I get my hair back to what it was 4years ago, which is what they have guaranteed, then I would willingly pay the one off amount of $3000 - what do I have to lose? :)

And yes the other benefit is the structure and support that you also get from say A&M. I compare this to diet companies like Jenny Craig. Yes I cringe at these companies as well because I am an educated gym junkie, but for some people they are a good place to start. They certainly won't hurt.

I know that everyone has different opinions of companies like Ashley and Martin and Advanced Hair Studio, but I would really like it if people could contribute to this thought. Is there something I am missing? Is my logic reasonable?

Please note that in Australia (incl postage) a 12months supply of Proscar, minoxidil 7%, Retin A, a shampoo like Nizoral, saw palmeto (yes this supplement is questionable but can't hurt taking it, and lazer therapy (yes effectiveness is questionable but some people seem to get benefit) would be at least $700.

Lastly I promise I am not affiliated with any of these companies. I am about to choose a regime, and I will start posting some images of my progress very soon.


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guaranteed... you must be kidding. They will give you a refund only on the products you havent yet used. If someone is willing to pay OVER $3000 for products that would cost you a fraction of the price then they must be rich. Plus if you dont get the results you want and ask for your money back, that is the start of a whole new story. There is no way they are going to happily give you your money back, they will claim that your hair has improved and you will get shafted. Its a waste of money, but then again this is just my 2 cents worth.

Btw - Dont you think its a hassle going in every week for 'laser', looking for parking etc. I just dont see the point of the 'hair clinics' . All they want is to make money of vulnerable people...


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Good point

I accept your point about getting your money back. I am sure they would not make the process easy.

Reagrding lazer therapy. Has anyone read this article ... =0&thold=0

Hair counts increased in the temporal area an average of 55.2% for women, 74.1% in men and 69.1% for all patients. In the vertex area, the corresponding percentages were 64.9% for women, 120.1% for men and 111.9% for all patients.

The combined average hair count increase for all men and women in the temporal and vertex areas was 93.5%.

I am just a newbie and therefore have no strong opinions either way, but does this not sugguest that lazer therapy may be helpful for some people?


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Laser is like a cosmetic product (from personal use), it gives you a feeling of fuller hair but results fade when you stop. I used both in clinic laser and laser comb. I have stopped both and ive come to conclusion they do not help...

I understand your a newbie feel free to ask any questions and express your views (We are Just here to help)


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Let me save you money.

Go to

Ordered Generic Minoxidil. This costs $20 for 60ml.
Order Propecia $65 Medibank then give me back $30 so $35

Over 12x months. $420

= $660

Or you can save even more bucks by getting Proscar and cutting it up. Or perhaps ordering generic Propecia from over seas.

The Gardener

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That price would ONLY be fair if, in addition to giving you the Big 3, the female attendants were hot, and giving you blow jobs in the nude each time you visited their office. THAT might be a fair trade.

If not, you're best suited getting your meds a la carte off the web, on your own.


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assuming you want to only use proven meds, bought in australia, finasteride can cost 720 a year.

true, a&m will supply it to you at a cheaper price, but that's after you fork out the initial 3k.

i myself went to ahs before i heard about these forums. i was under the impression i'd get a thick full head of hair back. i was, unfortunately, mislead. this hurt. i mean, i was suffering from male pattern baldness, and there were these f*****g vultures out to exploit my situation.

i admit, a&m sound like less of a scam compared to ahs, but they are still only after your money. they give you proscar for one, which you can buy for around 70 dollars for 4 months worth, so it'll amount to 210 dollars a year. (you don't want to be taking 5mg of finasteride a day anyway).

minoxidil, it's cheaper just to buy it at the pharmacy or something. shouldn't cost alot. and palmetto shampoo? don't bother. i've been using palmetto shampoo and also tablets for ages, doesn't do anything. might thicken up hair, but wont regrow lost hairs.

i say put the 3k away in a box and save it for when hm comes out. in the meantime, stick with finasteride and minoxidil if you want to.

laser doesn't help. i think it's more of a placebo effect than anything.

Hans Gruber

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Re: The Guarantee is appealing!

AussieExperiment said:
I am starting to think that if I get my hair back to what it was 4years ago, which is what they have guaranteed, then I would willingly pay the one off amount of $3000 - what do I have to lose? :)


do it yaself and youll save so much money :hairy:

mike d.

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Has anyone down there tried laser therapy sessions in a spa? These Laser treatments have been appearing in the United States now. There is a company called current technology that has been offering these treatments. There is data to back up there claims but it is old.


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Lazer treatment is available in the UK. Every single person who's had it and posted on forums has said its a complete scam.


Experienced Member
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I second Gardener. Let me know if they provide blow jobs. Perhaps I might even migrate to Australia for that.


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AussieExperiment said:
Ashly and Martin
Does anyone have any experience with Ashley and Martin. Does anyone know of any Ashley and Martin success stories? There must be some out there somewhere

Those F***ers successfully ripped me off! They offer nothing new – they just sell Minoxidil, Proscar & Saw Palmetto and do occasional laser sessions – all at a highly inflated cost. As for their money back guarantee – check out this link … (scroll down to the section entiled "Hair Hassles" or click on "Related video" to view the video.

Also heres some other A&M threads on this site ... ... hp?t=15212 ... hp?t=10767 ... php?t=6766

techprof said:
I second Gardener. Let me know if they provide blow jobs. Perhaps I might even migrate to Australia for that.

Unfortunately they don't provide BJs at A&M - they don't even have any hot attendants.


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well from the chemist proscar will cost you $88 Aus. one packet lasts 4 months once you split it up, 5 if your a pill splitting ninja. so thats your finasteride taken care of for $352AUS, and minoxidil from corner store chemist is like 30 for 2 months worth. i'd say buy minoxidil online because its sooo much cheaper.


New Member
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hey guys,

I currently goto A&M and both agree and disagree on the above posts. Firstly they do only provide you with what you can source yourself. However for me the reason for going to a hair clinic is the exact same reason someone would join a gym. Sure you can look at joining a gym as being a rip off, they charge you alot of money for something you can do yourself.....with the added fringe benifits- (trainers, advice programes etc).For me the reason for going to a hair clinic was i wanted a solution that was the least hassel free. The last thing i wanted to do was chase around hairloss drugs etc etc. I havent had a problem with the service there and if your after a success story just look through this forum. They use minoxidil and Proscar - same as everyone else. The added benifits is you get a checkup every 2 weeks and the girls at mine are not to bad.

P.S - im not affiliated with them in any way just a customer.

my 2 cents.


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trips said:
However for me the reason for going to a hair clinic is the exact same reason someone would join a gym. Sure you can look at joining a gym as being a rip off, they charge you alot of money for something you can do yourself.....with the added fringe benifits- (trainers, advice programes etc).

I disagree - going to A&M is nothing like going to a gym. If your programme at a gym is not working they can change it to suit your needs and they have a vast array of exercises & equipment you can try. Where as at A&M they give everyone the same treatment - 7% Minoxidil with 0.01% retinoic acid, proscar & saw palmetto. This is their treatment which they give to every customer. They don't change it if its not working for a particular customer because there is nothing else they can do. As for the checkups every 2 weeks - what a joke - even if it hasn't made any difference they will spin you the "Its looking positive " bullshit to keep you coming back. BTW - the "It's like a gym" analogy is the same analogy used on another thread on this site by an Ashley and Martin employee. I prefer the "Its like a car sales yard" analogy - The minute you set foot in an A&M office its like stepping in to a used car yard. You'll be greeted by a salesman who will use hard sell tactics to get you to pay twice the necessary price.