Are Hypertrichosis Sufferers Immune To Dht Sensitivity Damage On Scalp?


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I was seeing this docummentary today
and i caught myself up researching for more photos of different cases and searching for old males cases i found that all of them have incredibly low/ to no hairlines. That makes me thinking that people who suffer from this condition maybe have another type of hair induction pathogen on scalp hair too.
And before someone send a photo of a bald very hairy men, lets not confuse Hirutism which is hair induced exlcusively by androgens, with hypertrichosis which has different mechanism and is way more severe:


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I don't know, but it would be hilarious if the only place they can't grow hair is the one place they'd want it - their head.


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Yeah but that does not seems to be the case. It seems that the hair of people who suffer from this condition remain intact even tho we know that body hair does not have any link to scalp hair, actually, there are people that think that people with more body hair have a big susceptibility to go bald than people that dont have body hair because of their dht sensitivity or high dht levels that induce body hair but thats inconclusive since in both cases hairy men and hairless men we have bald ones and others with perfect hairlines.