Are Custom systems available anywhere


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I looked through the first few pages and was unable to find a recent thread, so sorry if there is one.

But I wondered if any online company was back to doing custom systems.

I read the North Korean border was reopened to China, so hoped it was going to get back on track.


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Not yet.. I mean, not the border.

And even if the border re-opens, there would be significant ramp-up time.

Most of the companies have been doing custom systems for quite some time, just too a while.
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Hair Hub in the UK are doing custom systems - my current one took about 12 weeks from ordering to delivery.


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Absolutely not!! It took me nine months to get my custom order.

They only took 12 weeks to make and deliver my latest custom order. They did take longer during the height of the pandemic, but their delivery times seem to be back to normal now.

Blue eyes

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So good to hear. I was promised 4-6 weeks by my salon who orders from a Florida company. They also order from Lavivid which is 12-15 weeks.