Apple poly topical


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but i should say; has the the same apply poly stuff in it .. procyanidin b-2/c-1 or whatever


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thanks guys.

But doesnt the Apple Poly product have a higher percentage than Spectral RS?

They seem pretty confident over at that Apple Poly site. They have some sound science behind the product too, it looks impressive. Im surprised more arent trying it.

They offer a 90 day money back guarantee too, no questions asked... I think i might try some.

Does it stain the scalp in any way? And how does it make your hair look after its applied, does it dry fast?

thanks for any help fellow Apple Poly users... :)


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Yes, it dries fast. Very fluid...I really like the smell!! Short hair will ease the application, noooooo doubt, still, I think it's impossible not to get some of the AP on the hair least if your not extremely bald - but then you will need more products then one :roll:


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it makes your hair look like it does after minoxidil. i can imagine it may stain your scalp a bit red but my hairs too long to tell. it thickens things up quite nicely actually.


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blaze said:
But doesnt the Apple Poly product have a higher percentage than Spectral RS?

I don't really know :/ No idea what the "ApplePoly" topical contains. I assume (hope) the would contain enough.

blaze said:
Does it stain the scalp in any way? And how does it make your hair look after its applied, does it dry fast?

If you've got buzzed hair like me, then yes you can see that it stains the scalp yellow. I've noticed that there is less of a stain when I apply it with my I assume from this that it is being absorbed better (because of the spectral ingredients). It dries pretty quickly, a couple of minutes. But if you put too much on, you find your scalp a little sticky. Maybe people with longer hair don't notice these things?


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I have very short hair, but I have not noticed any scalp stains...Good or bad sign? :)

I apply the AP in a pretty low density area called DA TEMPLES! :oops:


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Whyatt said:
I have very short hair, but I have not noticed any scalp stains...Good or bad sign? :)

i don't know, that's odd. I'll check the label on mine, maybe I mixed it up with the maple syrup.


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flimflam said:
i don't know, that's odd. I'll check the label on mine, maybe I mixed it up with the maple syrup.

Heh...perhaps, did your pancakes this morning taste a bit ...appleish? 8)


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didnt get my stuff yet! takes a long time?

BH 90 NWtwo 10

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yes it stains your scalp, turns it a shade inbetween orange and red, so i was only able to use it at night, or while i was home mid day. it leaves your hair VERY brittle while its on.


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I dont get it, why doesnt it stain my scalp?!?!? Maybe all my thin hairs suck it up? :freaked: I want it to stain my scalp! (arguing like George Constanza).


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its possible your scalp is really mall moisturized? Yeah, if your hair is really dry or something could be soaking it up.. plus are you shaking the bottle?

Im in canada, its been atleast two weeks and i didnt get the stuff yet, dang, spent 100$ on it. And its friday, another week gona, i better get it monday, or im gona complain to them.


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Hmm..not that dry hair...yes, shaking bottle..hmm...anyone know any good product to "close" the hair (minimize hair absorbation)?!

Sounds to me as if the customs are the trouble, I know Canadian customs are kind of hard when it comes to unfamiliar products..

My stuff did arrive pretty fast so, and I'm living on the other side of the atlantic so... :)


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how would you use it if you are using revivogen at night? in the morning? everyday or every other day? and how does it compare with minoxidil ??


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This is TheHairGrower, something happend to my old account and i cant log in.

Anyways, Apple poly is great. Here are my results.

I started taking the pills and the topical.

Cant say much for the pills, altrhough i assume they work in synergy with the topical.

I apply this stuff on my thinning areas, it feels very refreshing, tingly, and i can feel it soaking into my skin. You kinda get that headacish buzz feeling from minoxidil and others.

So i used it for about a month now. It dries to a sticky, red tint on your skin, so be aware when you use before work/go out. You might be able to wash off the residue after say 15 minutes, but im not sure.

It makes the small blond hairs very thick and stiff, but surprisingly resiliant. They dont get so stiff as to fall off and break, although it does feel like they will fall off, due to how stiff they make the hairs. But again, they really dont break off, must be good stuff to the hair.

These white hairs started multiplieng, and getting longer, always, always turning darker, thicker, and then into normal hair.

Await pictures.


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yes, I've also noticed "thicker" strands..however, products like these has to be properly evaluated for at least 6 months before conclusions can get any public value :wink:


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I'd use it insteat of minoxidil if I knew it worked as well. Probably healthier. Maybe I can apply it at the same time as dilute minoxidil, 1 hour before my shower. No mess there, since it is before the shower. You get more absorption after the shower, though. But messes are a pain in the butt and make me skip doses.