Anything to be concerned about?


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Hi all, great forum you have got here.. there is loads of info to take in! I have been reading for a good few hours looking through many of the threads started in this forum to see if I can answer my own question, but I am still none the wiser?

Here is a bit of background info about me:
I am 22, have brown'ish coloured hair, it is actualy hard to tell what colour my hair really is as it can look quite patchy, and also the sun (or lack of it during winter) determins how blonde my hair goes, when i was a kid it was almost white blonde at times, but now i am older it is alot darker. So given the recent sun we have been having my hair is starting to get small patches of blonde again.
I would describe my hair as thin, I have never had "thick" hair.
I have a cowslick at the front of my head (fringe area) on the right, and it seems as tho the back of my head and around my crown is one big cowslick!
My father, who sadly passed away at 50, had really good hair for his age, some receading, and possibly some signs of thinning round the crown towards the end, but still a full head of dark hair! His dad, my grandad, has still got pretty much a full head of hair, albeit grey... and he is 80 odd.
My mother has thin hair (a bit like mine), and cannont recall anyone on her side having any significant hair loss.
My bro, has thick black hair (almost chinese hair), he has a full hair of hair (20 yrs old), although his hair is very similar to mine in shape etc.

I have always kept my hair pretty short, and usualy had a 1 round the sides and 3-4 on top, i recently noticed some slight receeding to the temples but put that down to my age and my adult head shape/hairline forming.
I decided to go for a buzz cut, simply for a change, and something a bit fresh for the summer, so off it went, i was happy as i have had it done like this in the past, and it suits me.
The first occasion i did it nothing was said, 2 weeks later i shaved it off again (grade 1), my bro said "haha you have a bald spot!!", i thought shut up and ignored him, then my mrs (who overheard) said while we were in the bath "yeah u are looking a bit thin there babe" and pointed to the spot.

Obviously this made me paranoid! So I checked, and have kept on checking every day for the past 4 weeks!, during the 3rd week a mate of mine asked if i was balding in that spot when i was at the pub (standing directly under the bar light). Infact I cant get it out of my head now... I can definately see what they have spotted, it is just a case of determining what is happening. Part of me thinks "ahh its probably nothing" the other part of me thinks "oh sh*t, im 22 and going bald.. and ive barely got hair on my face.. what the hell?"

Can you guys (you know what to look for) put me out of my misery and decide weather i am being paranoid over nothing.. or wether i am actualy showing early signs of balding.
I did not really notice any excessive hair loss on my pillow or in the shower etc prior to buzzing my head, and i think my hair is too short now to notice.....?

Here is a pic taken directly above my head, in fairly dark conditions, with flash ON, pretty extreme conditions, to me it all looks a bit thin on top, but that may be down to the way the shot is taken.

Here is the same kinda shot, without flash, in fairly dull lighting.. i cant see much balding in this one, but i can still see the thin spot in question, slightly to the right.

Here is a couple of shots taken directly under a light fitted to the wall. These are what i think i can see in the mirror when using the 2 mirror trick, not the very thin spot to the right, what is this? Am I being daft?

Finaly, here is a pic taken from a different angle, top & side showing what my hair looks like.

I dont no weather I am just being silly, has the sun died my crown area and surrounding bits blonde?, is it the way my hair grows that makes that cowslick area look thin? Or have i started to lose my hair round the crown?? I dont know and im a bit worried. I cant get it out of my head that i am maybe balding can anyone help me?

I have read many of the threads already posted in this section and some dont really help atall (peeps with long hair) and others with similar buzz cuts kinda helped but im not sure..[/url]


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Dude, you dont look like your receeding but youve got a tiny tiny amount of thinning at the back. Its not really anything to worry about.

You could take propecia or proscar but look into all the health risks across various websites and ask your doctor


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hmm, bad news mate. You are definitely thinning in your crown area - the vertex, and it looks like it's spreading down towards the front of your head. You aren't receding; that's good cos thats a nightmare to regrow. You've caught it fairly early I'd say, good job you shaved your head !!

Propecia (finasteride) + Nizoral will sort you right out, I reckon you'll regrow all of that.

in the meantime, grow your hair long again cos no one will notice :D


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Thankyou for the quick replies guys, so I am not going mental!

Ive been reading alot into treatments for hair loss while browsing this site, purely out of interest.. and the propecia option looks a dodgy one? claiming 2% side effects tho there seems to be alot of people here who have suffered some? I probably dont want to go down that route.

I will have a read up on Nizoral.

To be honest i am mostly bothered about the rapidness of the balding.. I have no idea when it started so cannot rate how bad it will be in say... 6 months.. 1year? that is what is annoying me the most.

Chemical J

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A lot of people here over exaggerate their side effects from Propecia.

Its very rare and just work out while you're on it and you should be fine even if there is any side effects.

Their not perm. :freaked:


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Ok ill look into it further... is my current hair condition ready for such drastic drug taking then? maybe i should see a derm asap. damn


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My logic goes like this: If I'm definitely starting to lose hair, why not begin the drug as soon as possible as to not lose any more if it is not necessary. A lot of people probably started after the condition of their hair was noticeable but then felt like they just wasted precious time.

My advice is to get on treatment. I wouldn't suggest rogaine at the moment but just propecia/finpecia and nizoral shampoo that you can pick up in any local supermarket.


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yeah totally.

the side effects are waaay exaggerated, and i think a lot of it is self-induced .. i cant remember the technical term but I mean they worry about the side effects so much that actually believe they're developing them! There was a guy on here called "Jm0311" or something who swore he was growing man-tits .. completely seriously. but the dude had taken only 2 pills or something, lol insane.

anyway mate i've been on propecia for just over 3 months and i, like the majority, have had nothing bad happen at all.

finasteride is the most effective weapon in halting hair loss, everything else is supplemental.

take some time to think about what you want to do and ask some questions, read the forums etc etc :)


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I would say dont take minoxidil though, that stuff seems to be quite nasty if you stop using it, your hair relies on it and dies off if you dont keep on using it


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Oops...You are saying minoxidil is bad? any other suggestions?


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I mean your hair is so short and you are standing under a bright light. Of course it's going to look like thinning. Even Brad Pit would look bald under these conditions.

Also the hair on the top of your head is most likely standing upwards so your scalp is going to be very visible. You can't compare these hairs with the ones on the side and back of your head which are growing in a different direction.

Also the crown area is where you have a part and so that doesn't help either.

Grow your hair out a little more and then see.


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minoxidil isn't bad at all and is the most effective weapon for regrowing hair, it's just that you need to keep using it for good once you start.


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Yes theres definetly thinning that will eventually spread down towards the mid-anterior scalp and become more prominent there. I suggest propecia; that may be all you ned.