Anyone wannna play with my boobs?


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I have been using Propecia for about 8 months now and have recently developed fatty tissue in my breast area. Anyone know if this is a common problem with finasteride?


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hmm i dont know man. could be. like if your testosterone is generally converted to DHT and now it can not be. another alternative for testosterone is to be aromatized to estrogen which could account for the breast development (Gynecomastia) that you see.

are you overweight? your diet also plays a lot in the development as does any other underlying conditions. i haven't seen any but I keep my body fat as low as possible and also mess with my carbs, fats, and protein on a daily basis to prevent fat buildup in my body.


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Look up gyno associated with finasteride. If they feel tender, you need to go see your doctor and ask him whether you have developed gynecomastia, which is male breast tissue development.


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pmzito said:
hmm i dont know man. could be. like if your testosterone is generally converted to DHT and now it can not be. another alternative for testosterone is to be aromatized to estrogen which could account for the breast development (Gynecomastia) that you see.

are you overweight? your diet also plays a lot in the development as does any other underlying conditions. i haven't seen any but I keep my body fat as low as possible and also mess with my carbs, fats, and protein on a daily basis to prevent fat buildup in my body.

No, not fat at all, which makes it even more noticeable when I go swimming.


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Thomas said:
pmzito said:
hmm i dont know man. could be. like if your testosterone is generally converted to DHT and now it can not be. another alternative for testosterone is to be aromatized to estrogen which could account for the breast development (Gynecomastia) that you see.

are you overweight? your diet also plays a lot in the development as does any other underlying conditions. i haven't seen any but I keep my body fat as low as possible and also mess with my carbs, fats, and protein on a daily basis to prevent fat buildup in my body.

No, not fat at all, which makes it even more noticeable when I go swimming.

it could be gynecomastia. in general you would expect more fat b/c of estrogen levels. how old are you?


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26.. if I stop taking propecia will these boobs go away naturally?


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Excerpt from an article...

Adverse reactions related to the breast, including breast tenderness or enlargement (gynecomastia), occurred in 0.4% of men taking finasteride 1-mg (Propecia), but this was no greater than in the control group (those that did not take the medication).

In patients on the 5-mg dose (Proscar), the time of onset of breast enlargement ranged from two weeks to 2½ years. In these patients, 80% showed partial or complete resolution when the drug was stopped, and 20% experienced no change.

The mechanism of breast enlargement (gynecomastia) in patients taking finasteride may be due to its ability to block the conversion of testosterone to DHT. This, in turn, may cause more testosterone to be converted to estrogen, with estrogen then stimulating breast tissue. There have been a few cases of breast cancer in patients on the 5-mg dose, but a causative relationship with finasteride has not been established. "


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I think an important note to this is that the control group had the same occurance of "gyno" as did the finasteride group. People not even taking the drug developed some fat on their chests. While gyno is very real and should be taken seriously, it is more likely a diet problem or lack of proper exercise. I had the same problem when on finasteride. It might have been in my head but I swore I had it and was always pinching my chest. Of course, it started being tender from all the groping and I really thought I had it. I made myself stop thinking about it for a few weeks and the tenderness went away. When I started eating healthier, most of the fat went away as well.

I don't know anything about you or your situation but remember that your body changes as you get older - slower metabolism, whatever.

If you think you have gynomecostia, definately go to a doctor, just don't rule out the idea that it might just be a lacking diet or lack of exercie.

Help this helps.


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I've always wondered how many of the people thinking they have gyno lead an unhealthy lifestyle or never exercise. I've noticed that as people get older their boobs start to sag a little bit if they are couch potatoes like some of my friends.

If your metabolism has started to catch up with you in your early twenties or beyond then you need to be snacking regularly to keep your blood sugar and metabolism up. Also run or swim regularly. I exercise a lot, but not as much as I used to, I have a little bit of fat in my love handle area that only I notice, it goes away if I run 20+ miles in a week though. But I get soggy and bloated sometimes when I get too addicted to my computer programming projects and sit on my *** for a week straight with little sleep.

Jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes is not exercise in my book, its a warm up for exercise, its better than nothing, and you wont become obese this way, but the only way I've found to get rid of body fat is to hit the track and go 20+ miles a week running or do a few miles worth of sprint progressions or swim 5+ miles a week without stopping. Lift weights too to tone up also.

Get plenty of sleep, I get bloated if I'm not racking up 8 hours a night.

I thought my tits were getting big when I startede propecia a month ago. They might have gotten a little thicker under the skin when I was starting, but I also was sitting on my *** programming til 10am every day hunched over.

Gyno is serious and if you think you have it, go see a doctor just to be safe, but in the meantime, buy a nice pair of running shoes ($80-$100) and some goggles. If you follow this schedule for a month and are still getting b**ch tits then go back to the doctor and cut down on the propecia.[/i]


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Scarpro said:
I'm now having a problem with getting orgasm when I'm blown.

It may be the girl - I mean was she successfull before starting finasteride or is this a new partner? I ask because I have had girlfriends who just cant seem to get me to "reach conclusion" while performing this act.


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follijinxed said:
I've always wondered how many of the people thinking they have gyno lead an unhealthy lifestyle or never exercise. I've noticed that as people get older their boobs start to sag a little bit if they are couch potatoes like some of my friends.

If your metabolism has started to catch up with you in your early twenties or beyond then you need to be snacking regularly to keep your blood sugar and metabolism up. Also run or swim regularly. I exercise a lot, but not as much as I used to, I have a little bit of fat in my love handle area that only I notice, it goes away if I run 20+ miles in a week though. But I get soggy and bloated sometimes when I get too addicted to my computer programming projects and sit on my *** for a week straight with little sleep.

Jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes is not exercise in my book, its a warm up for exercise, its better than nothing, and you wont become obese this way, but the only way I've found to get rid of body fat is to hit the track and go 20+ miles a week running or do a few miles worth of sprint progressions or swim 5+ miles a week without stopping. Lift weights too to tone up also.

Get plenty of sleep, I get bloated if I'm not racking up 8 hours a night.

I thought my tits were getting big when I startede propecia a month ago. They might have gotten a little thicker under the skin when I was starting, but I also was sitting on my *** programming til 10am every day hunched over.

Gyno is serious and if you think you have it, go see a doctor just to be safe, but in the meantime, buy a nice pair of running shoes ($80-$100) and some goggles. If you follow this schedule for a month and are still getting b**ch tits then go back to the doctor and cut down on the propecia.[/i]

Hi, I appreciate your comment, but you should have found out if I was an althete before you start recommending for me to workout. I am a swimmer and do plenty of cardio. Anyway, thanks for the other info, I am stopping propecia today. We'll just have to see if they go away.


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yeah, it was for all the other people then ;). Sucks, I would get off of the finasteride for a few months then. I would taper off the dosage too take finasteride every other day for a week then half the dosage every other day for a week.