Anyone use more than 1 cap per application of Rogaine foam?


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I've got around 2-3 inch long hair, so using the .5 capful doesnt get half of my scalp (I'm a diffuse thinner, but havent thinned terribly much yet, so the foam gets stuck on my hair).

My hair becomes all crinkly and malleable but it takes a full cap or sometimes a cap and a half to cover my entire head - am i killing my hair unknowingly?

I'm also on propecia and nizoral (the big three). Still having some shedding, but for the most part i think the major hairloss has stopped.


No, actually I only use about half a capful... I don't use it everywhere, just one side on the top + crown and hairline.


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I use more than 1/2 cap cuz I'm a chic and so I don't have the buzz cut to easily apply it. I don't think you will kill hair if you use more. What gets me if you look at the rogaine foam commercial, the guy uses 1/2 cap for just his vertex (how big is it cuz they don't show that :roll: ) and yet for those of us who use it in more areas, it's still 1/2 cap. Doesn't make sense. I go through a can a week using it on my diffuse top and parts of the back. I'd rather be safe than sorry by not using enough. It is pricey, but oh well.


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dont worry just rub it in and make your its getting to your scalp rather than just clogging your hair.


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even half a cup is more than enough for me
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Even though the instructions say to wash your hands under cold water and then squeeze the foam on your fingertips, I just directly apply the nozzle to the scalp (exact area where i'm thinning) and squeeze (I use a hand held mirror to help).

I then massage it in for a good 30 seconds until its all dry. However, I find a half cap full to be tooo little (unless you have a buzz cut) and I move around my scalp squeezing the foam directly where needed.


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if you keep using more then half a cap every ap you're eventually gonna start getting sleepy more often and then your heart at night will beat out of control, then you will begin getting dizzy spells... then you wil have a stroke and yur house nurses will not realize that you used rogaine when you could still walk and talk and you will go bald in a wheel chair
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Well, to be honest, that is one thing I liked about the liquid. The 1ML dropper was very useful in directing the liquid where I wanted it to go since I am thinning around the crown area and around the temples.

But I find that half cup of the foam is just toooo little of actual substance to be applied in more than one spot. However, if the delivery mechanism is better than the liquid, I'm all for it.

BTW, it is so true. Foam DOES NOT itch at all while the liquid had me itching all times of the day.


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KielMcK said:
if you keep using more then half a cap every ap you're eventually gonna start getting sleepy more often and then your heart at night will beat out of control, then you will begin getting dizzy spells... then you wil have a stroke and yur house nurses will not realize that you used rogaine when you could still walk and talk and you will go bald in a wheel chair

I knew it!!!

Hope the nurses are hot
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half a capful is great if the thinning is concentrated in one specific area. But I'm thinning all over and would rather get the foam to the entire scalp.


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I have a good amount of hair and I think anyone who does will have to use more than 1/2 cap. A bottle lasts me about 21 days. Anyone have problems getting all of the foam out of the bottle ? I always do and the last few applications are liquid and sometimes I can hear solution in the bottle and can't get it out.

The stuff works great though !
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I just opened my new foam bottle on December 16th. I'll tell you how long it lasts me. And yes, I use every drop of that foam until the air pressure inside totally dies. This stuff is expensive. :(


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Lucius Vorenus said:
I just opened my new foam bottle on December 16th. I'll tell you how long it lasts me. And yes, I use every drop of that foam until the air pressure inside totally dies. This stuff is expensive. :(

LOL the old 2% liquid was $60 /month in 1995 and you had to pay a DR's co pay to get it. Even if you pay $16 for foam in 2007 it's dirt cheap !

Hans Gruber

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Lucius Vorenus said:
Here's an update: 1 bottle of foam lasts me only 18 days.

youre using too much,one can lasts me one month


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1 can lasts me 5-6 weeks, and it goes all over the top of my head. my hair is 3mm long, however...



apply it to your scalp right after a shower before you dry your hair. if you use it twice a day, and only shower onec a day, then just soak your head under the shower for 20 seconds or so till its good and soaked. then youll be able to see the thin areas very easily because your hair will have parted in the thin areas. then just apply the rogaine to them. this will increase absorption as well which is good for bettre results