Anyone know about.....


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HIS hair clinics? In the UK we have a radio station called TalkSport (my favourite station). Was listening the other day and they were talking about Wayne Rooney's hair transplant. A Man came on from HIS hair clinic and started talking about a 'scalp tattoo' procedure. I checked it out and thought it looks brilliant! Great idea, gives the appearance of a full hairline and that you shave your head. Looks better than a complete bald head anyway!
So, anyone had this procedure?
I would like to know the following;
Can I have it without a shaved head? i.e I am a diffuse thinner with fair hair, could it be done on my scalp so there was less pink scalp on display when bright light/sunshine shines thorugh my hair?
Second, anyone any idea how much this costs?
Thanks guys


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hey man, i would strongly urge you not to do that. a guy on another forum i visit had it done, and has really regretted it all. he went to that very same "his hair clinic" you talk about. heres his experience:

he paid alot of money (if i remember correctly you have to pay for all procedures in advance, because they know after the first session you wont come back for the other sessions necessary), the very first person he met at his workplace the next day said "why did you paint your head?". it looks absolutely nothing like hair unless you are at 10 meters distance at least. and it doesnt even look like hair from 10 meters distance if theres sun shining at your scalp. the single dots are alot bigger than the stubble.

on top of that i personally cant imagine anyone feeling comfortable with having tattooed dots on their scalp... girls and women in general love to stroke stubbleheads (nw1's that is), and if you ever manage to fool a drunk chick at a club who happens to have lost her contact lenses in the bathroom (otherwise you wouldnt be able to fool her), you can be 100% sure she will want to stroke your head once things get going between you two. and then she will be like "urgh wtf".

the pictures you see on their site are best-case scenarios, taken in flattering angles with flattering light and definitely retouched. the testimonials (doesnt take a genious to figure it out) are obviously fake.

any sane and rational person should pick a good hair system over this procedure any day. theres so many guys on hairsystem forums who transition into a hair system from scalp pigmentation, and basically throw away a couple of thousand $

have a nice, hope you think about it

(if you were kinda serious about this already the least you SHOULD do is insisting in seeing a patient in person)