Anyone here with a lot of body hair have any sides? Does not seem to be the case.


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Anyone here with a lot of body hair have any sides? I have noticed (reading on forums) that men with a a lot of body hair do not have side, and respond well to finasteride. I was just wondering if we can hear form guys with a lot of body hair who took finasteride, and if you had any sides. I do not mean a little on the chest, I mean hairy all over. Not starting a body hair vs. balding correlation thread.


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I think I might be able to explain this, oh and I have also read the study showing people who had more body hair responded to finasteride. So we know that dht is related to the growth of body hair and the miniaturization of scalp hair(assuming type II dht). I think it is safe to assume that people who have less body hair but Androgenetic Alopecia are assumed to have less circulating dht but a higher sensitivity to dht, whereas the people with more body hair with the same amount of Androgenetic Alopecia simply have more DHT and less sensitivity to that dht, making them better responders to treatment(greater overal reduction in dht than the people that are more sensitive).


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Yeah cthulhu2.0 got it right as far as possible explanations, I've read it too that people with a lot of body hair don't experience sides or aren't as noticeable but never collected any data to see if that was the case. Also DHT is produced right in the follicle so serum DHT isn't that important but who knows. Also do note that according to the Propecia studies it was shown that older men responded better to finasteride and older men have usually more body hair but they never explained as to why they responded better so I'm just guessing.


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I have no body hair, and had no sides.


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Could you guys point me towards those articles ? Also Diffuser44, I was curious why you quit using finasteride? Is there anybody who is really hairy and had sides? It is just fascinating to me how some people have gone a decade and are completely fine and others have such a strong reaction to it. It would help a lot of people if we were able to find the differences between the two groups. I know the Dht is made locally, but does that dht enter the blood stream? One more question, have scientist been able to induce male pattern balding in person who clearly does not suffer form male pattern baldness? I know it sounds strange that anyone would be up for that, but people have done a lot worse in the name of science. Sorry for so many question but I have looked for answer for these question and could not find any.


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In average men with more body hair have increased androgen and DHT levels, so they benefit more from DHT inhibition therapy, in theory. But there is not explicit correlation between body hair and male pattern baldness. I mean, you might have very sensitive body hair follicles, so you can have a lot of body hair and in same time normal DHT levels or even below average.


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Could you guys point me towards those articles ? Also Diffuser44, I was curious why you quit using finasteride? Is there anybody who is really hairy and had sides? It is just fascinating to me how some people have gone a decade and are completely fine and others have such a strong reaction to it. It would help a lot of people if we were able to find the differences between the two groups. I know the Dht is made locally, but does that dht enter the blood stream? One more question, have scientist been able to induce male pattern balding in person who clearly does not suffer form male pattern baldness? I know it sounds strange that anyone would be up for that, but people have done a lot worse in the name of science. Sorry for so many question but I have looked for answer for these question and could not find any.

I quit finasteride cause I got worried about all of the post finasteride stories and propecia help forums that came out. It was 2011 when I quit. I found out that you couldn't give blood anymore if you were on finasteride and so I used that as my excuse to go off of it so that I could donate. I didn't notice my hair falling out so I decided to wait it out. It took over a year before slow hair loss started to confern me again. Even now my hair isn't too bad. I noticed that morning erections became noticeable to me after quitting. To be fair I wasn't looking for them while on the drug. But after I quit I read online that this happened to other people and sure as **** definitely started getting very noticeable erections in the morning.

With that I figured I would stay quit for a while until my hair loss became more noticeable and would reconsider at a later date. Then the warning labels on the drugs started changing and the post finasteride syndrome got more credibility. Now I'm in a state of paralysis analysis on retaking it.


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So I finally found the cryptic study that I mentioned earlier. Here it is:
Indian J Dermatol. 2014 Mar;59(2):163-5. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.127677.
[h=1]Efficacy of Finasteride for Treating Patients with Androgenetic Alopecia who are Pileous in other Areas: A Pilot Study in Japan.[/h]Inadomi T.
[h=3]Author information[/h]

[h=3]Abstract[/h][h=4]BACKGROUND:[/h]Androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia) involves androgen-dependent hair loss and finasteride is an established treatment for the disease. However, reports of the influence of finasteride on hair growth in other areas of the body are lacking.
[h=4]AIMS:[/h]To investigate the effects of finasteride on hair, including the head and other areas of the body.
[h=4]MATERIALS AND METHODS:[/h]Based on whether Androgenetic Alopecia patients felt they were pileous in areas other than the head, they were divided into Group A (pileous) or Group B (not pileous). Finasteride (1 mg/day) was prescribed for both groups for at least 6 months, after which patients were asked to estimate the medicine's effects and any changes of their hair growth.
[h=4]RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS:[/h]A total of 18 out of 37 patients were placed in Group A and 19 of them were in Group B, suggesting that about half of Androgenetic Alopecia patients in Japan are pileous in other parts of the body. Oral finasteride was effective (excellent or good) in 22 out of 37 (59.5%) patients overall, in 16 out of 18 (88.9%) patients in Group A, and in 6 out of 19 (31.6%) patients in Group B. None of the patients reported that oral finasteride had any effect on their hair growth other than on their head. Finasteride is more effective for treating Androgenetic Alopecia patients who are pileous in other areas of the body.



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I have no chest/back hair, and very little leg/arm/ facial hair. I have zero side effects.


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I think body hair/facial hair does have correlation to male pattern baldness. Both are secondary sexual characteristics of men brought about by T and DHT so I dont see why not if that is what causes them to happen. Lots of teenage men dont have much of either and coincidentally not much male pattern baldness either. I think the key though with body/facial hair is T plays a very important role and it might not be reversible once it starts. Most women I know not at freak shows dont have full beards so I think androgens play some role dont you? Either that or estrogen thats higher in women does something pretty powerful to counteract androgens. I think the evidence is there even if you can list out a few examples of men that dont fit they are the minority. There are exceptions because sensitivity is poorly understood but very important

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I have no chest/back hair, and very little leg/arm/ facial hair. I have zero side effects.

Well zero noticeable side effects. There are tons of complex internal processes happening constantly that are affected that you might not ever notice. Doesnt mean its not happening.


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I think body hair/facial hair does have correlation to male pattern baldness. Both are secondary sexual characteristics of men brought about by T and DHT so I dont see why not if that is what causes them to happen. Lots of teenage men dont have much of either and coincidentally not much male pattern baldness either. I think the key though with body/facial hair is T plays a very important role and it might not be reversible once it starts. Most women I know not at freak shows dont have full beards so I think androgens play some role dont you? Either that or estrogen thats higher in women does something pretty powerful to counteract androgens. I think the evidence is there even if you can list out a few examples of men that dont fit they are the minority. There are exceptions because sensitivity is poorly understood but very important

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Well zero noticeable side effects. There are tons of complex internal processes happening constantly that are affected that you might not ever notice. Doesnt mean its not happening.

Same can be said for the Tylenol I take for my headaches.... and hell even the air I breathe. When people say side effects on hairloss forums we are talking about the ones noted on the pills we take, or worse. You may want to get used to it.


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I have a lot of body hair and no sides, I'm also 22. Hopefully finasteride works for me, it's still too early to tell.


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I have a lot of body hair and I experience sides, however finasteride is extremely effective on me, almost regrew all my hairs except on the temples.

My sides are: testicle pain, lower libido, softer erection, watery semen, bloated face(which is "normal" sides caused by increased estrogen caused by increased testosterone on finasteride) .

However, I have been able to fix those issues with my anti finasteride side effects regimen which is basically a couple of natural supplements and a anti-estrogenic diet.

g.i joey

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I have a lot of body hair and I experience sides, however finasteride is extremely effective on me, almost regrew all my hairs except on the temples.

My sides are: testicle pain, lower libido, softer erection, watery semen, bloated face(which is "normal" sides caused by increased estrogen caused by increased testosterone on finasteride) .

However, I have been able to fix those issues with my anti finasteride side effects regimen which is basically a couple of natural supplements and a anti-estrogenic diet.

wow can you pm me man, second time around trying finasteride, i managed to dodge the gyno lumps this time but my nipples still get puffy on propecia.. would like to hear about ur anti estrogenic diet and regimen.. let me know man thanks!


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On the finasteride pamphlet that I bought some years ago it did mention bloated face as a potential side-effect it can happen, it's not just a minoxidil side-effect.


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On the finasteride pamphlet that I bought some years ago it did mention bloated face as a potential side-effect it can happen, it's not just a minoxidil side-effect.

Yes it's a common side effects of increased testosterone. Steroids or TRT are well know for their gyno and bloated face sides. I'm more aggressive with finasteride, which a sign of increased testosterone.


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I have above average body hair but not crazy. I'm on my first week of finasteride and I'll keep you guys updated. :)