Anyone Has Any Advidence Of Ru Working?


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Any actual pic evidence or something?

Before I keep wasting my time trying to figure out how to mix the RU powder and my money too since sh*t isn't cheap... does this even work?

Anyone that only uses RU (so the results can be accredited to RU) has had regrowth on hairline etc?


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Ive been using RU on my hairline for 4 months along with some micro needling I have got a few hairs that have gone terminal but just on one temples have receded so I trialled RU there first... results haven't been ground breaking but definitely positive...I was applying to areas were there was no hair so I didn't expect anything miraculous. I have diffused crown so I recently start applying to the top of my head so il see how things work out over the next few months. So far no real sides to report. I mix my RU with minoxidil


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Before a round of RU and exosome PRP (which I thought was a total lark...)
2 months later:

and today... about 5 months later — its even worse than where I started, but I had an elevation of DHT from peptides I was taking : (
Hopefully I achieve something similar again. It works —this was not psychosomatic.