Anyone Get Burning Eyes From Minoxidil?


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I've been using minoxidil forever (at least 20 years)

Never had a problem with it. Lately, however, I've been using Kirkland Foam (a little more than usual as my loss had progressed) and my eyes burn for a good few hours after application. Tried this several times and the effect is always the same.

Anyone else experience this?


Experienced Member
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I've been using minoxidil forever (at least 20 years)

Never had a problem with it. Lately, however, I've been using Kirkland Foam (a little more than usual as my loss had progressed) and my eyes burn for a good few hours after application. Tried this several times and the effect is always the same.

Anyone else experience this?

If you are sure the stuff is not reaching your eyes maybe is an allergic reaction?


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Yes, not reaching my eyes. Doubt it's an allergic reaction as I've been using the stuff for decades. Maybe I'm using too much.

Lucille Allen

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Burning eyes is one of the side effects one can face with Minoxidil. You should wash your hands immediately after applying Minoxidil. Also one should shampoo your hair for four hours. But if you wish to get rid of this problem completely, use shampoos that can also boost your hair growth.


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I've been using minoxidil for about 4 years and have only recently started having a similar reaction to it. My eyes start burning pretty badly a few hours after applying minoxidil in the morning. I have tried foam and liquid versions of Rogaine and also non alcoholic minoxidil variants and seem to react similarly to all of them. For what its worth, I went to the optometrist and she seemed to think it was dry eyes but I am fairly certain its some kind of reaction to minoxidil.