Anyone else in my position???

Mop Top

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Anyone else hit NW2+ at 17? That's where I am right now and receding each week. I've been receding since 13 but it has started picking up in recent months (probably triggered by stress). I try to keep positive and think I've done a good job keeping optimistic but it's extremely disheartening to see all my peers sporting clean summer cuts while I struggle every day just trying keep my hair looking slightly symmetrical.
I finally broke and buzzed it 2 weeks ago and instead of looknig cleaner, it just looks worse and makes me look older and uglier. My girlfriends is gonna leave me soon, my school is going to sh*t, and all I can think about is how stupid I look.

Ahha look how far I've strayed from the topic... so, any of you guys have any advice or anything for me?


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Mop Top said:
Anyone else hit NW2+ at 17? That's where I am right now and receding each week. I've been receding since 13 but it has started picking up in recent months (probably triggered by stress). I try to keep positive and think I've done a good job keeping optimistic but it's extremely disheartening to see all my peers sporting clean summer cuts while I struggle every day just trying keep my hair looking slightly symmetrical.
I finally broke and buzzed it 2 weeks ago and instead of looknig cleaner, it just looks worse and makes me look older and uglier. My girlfriends is gonna leave me soon, my school is going to $#iT, and all I can think about is how stupid I look.

Ahha look how far I've strayed from the topic... so, any of you guys have any advice or anything for me?

My temples started receeding at 17 too. General male pattern baldness features weren't really obvious to anyone except me until I hit my late 20s. Your girlfriend is not going to leave you over this - and if she does "good riddance". You don't want that kind of girlfriend anyway.

Anyway . . .

1) Don't let your receeding temples consume you;

2) Have you looked into a possible program or regimen to help save your hair?


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I have never been less than a nw2 even as a child I had that hairline. The one good thing I can say for you is that at least you've cought it young (ie: realised before its progressed to the later stages) and can research into a good regime.
The thing is what you consider to be bad now you will look back in a few years time and realise how much hair you still had, a nw2 is'nt really that bad so dont let it you hold you back enjoy what you've got whilst you still have it.


s.a.f said:
I have never been less than a nw2 even as a child I had that hairline. The one good thing I can say for you is that at least you've cought it young (ie: realised before its progressed to the later stages) and can research into a good regime.
The thing is what you consider to be bad now you will look back in a few years time and realise how much hair you still had, a nw2 is'nt really that bad so dont let it you hold you back enjoy what you've got whilst you still have it.

at 17 if it doesnt look good i guess it is.

Mop Top

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s.a.f said:
I have never been less than a nw2 even as a child I had that hairline. The one good thing I can say for you is that at least you've cought it young (ie: realised before its progressed to the later stages) and can research into a good regime.
The thing is what you consider to be bad now you will look back in a few years time and realise how much hair you still had, a nw2 is'nt really that bad so dont let it you hold you back enjoy what you've got whilst you still have it.

Well you and I might be kindred spirits or something because I've never actually had a good hairline either. I've always had a high forehead with recession all of it highlighted by 2 growth dagger on each side of my scalp.
I've had crappy hair my whole life because of this and I've more or less come to terms with the fact that I'm going to be bald someday. What's got me so down is the prospect that I may not even get out of highschool with a decent head of hair.

You guys are right about starting a regimen soon. Just sitting here thinking about it isn't getting me anywhere. Perhaps I'll hit up the drugstore tomorrow and pick up some minoxidil, does that sound like a good start?


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Mop Top said:

You guys are right about starting a regimen soon. Just sitting here thinking about it isn't getting me anywhere. Perhaps I'll hit up the drugstore tomorrow and pick up some minoxidil, does that sound like a good start?

Defintely! Get the minoxidil foam. I assume you live in the USA so you might also want to get a bottle of the Nizoral shampoo and use that 5 x weekly.

Also look into Revita shampoo. It's new. It's expensive. It's only available on-line AFAIK. But it's got a lot of promise as far as hair loss prevention shampoos go.

Best of luck.


I can tell you that no one, I repeat NO ONE has got a bigger natural forehead than I do. Just take a look at my avatar, that's my hairline. No recession whatsoever. Beat that :lol: .


GrowHairGrow! said:
I can tell you that no one, I repeat NO ONE has got a bigger natural forehead than I do. Just take a look at my avatar, that's my hairline. No recession whatsoever. Beat that :lol: .

i see recession in the upper right corner of the picture if i'm not mistaken.


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i was an NW4 at 18. enjoy having an NW2 now because once you lose anymore youll look back on an NW2 like you had a full head of hair.


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Mop Top said:
You guys are right about starting a regimen soon. Just sitting here thinking about it isn't getting me anywhere. Perhaps I'll hit up the drugstore tomorrow and pick up some minoxidil, does that sound like a good start?

minoxidil will not slow your hair loss. you need finasteride.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
I can tell you that no one, I repeat NO ONE has got a bigger natural forehead than I do. Just take a look at my avatar, that's my hairline. No recession whatsoever. Beat that :lol: .

I wish I had your hair.


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im only 17 as well eh, ya its sucks alot seeing all your friends good hair and whatnot. Then wishing man why me and all that. Im doing all that i can and its hasnt gotten much worse in a wear. When dry im able to cover everything up, but soon as my hair gets a little bit wet hello scalp eh. So that has detered me from swimming and all that. But im just gonna keep giviner and if your thinking about propecia or proscar or fincar whatever i reccomned doing it, i have had nothing bad happen down there anyways. Also up to havent seen much except incresed shedding in the past month im hoping thats a good sign.


JayMan said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
I can tell you that no one, I repeat NO ONE has got a bigger natural forehead than I do. Just take a look at my avatar, that's my hairline. No recession whatsoever. Beat that :lol: .

i see recession in the upper right corner of the picture if i'm not mistaken.

Now that you said it I'm not sure anymore. But I don't think it has recessed. Anyway, the central part of my hairline hasn't recessed at all and it's still high as the sky.

collegechemistrystudent said:
I wish I had your hair.

I don't think so :lol: . It's diffuse. Badly.


i believe you that the center hasn't moved. i was just commenting on the temple. it's moved about as much as mine has.