anyone else here forever alone?


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Almost 26:

never had a girlfriend
never kissed
never touched(well intimately)

No friends except online contacts.

It is really hard to start at my age. I think at 19 you are really on a privileged position compared to us older folk.

You may think that at 19 your inexperience with women is something to be ashamed of, that almost every one has done it except you, but the reality is a lot of guys are at your level girlwise. I know that it is hard to think that way, I was ashamed of it at your age, but really act now. It gets much worse later and you will feel anger knowing how many options you had at 19.

Right now I am crippled so can't do much but once I heal up I will try everything to get out of this mental state including drugs and hookers to gain knowledge of female body(I hated that idea before, because your first time should be something special, but now I think that I overanalyse to much and am too much of a good guy that is afraid of getting dirty and that will hamper a man greatly).

I'm sure you don't want to be preached at, but I think working out and exercising would be a lot more fulfilling in the long run than drugs and hookers. I'm not judging, just hate to see someone go down a path that could put them at a worse place than they are currently. If you want more knowledge of the female body there are plenty of hook-up sites and working out could give the confidence needed. Again, not preaching, just seen quite a few friends go down that path with innocent intentions and it's messed them up forever.


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And how exactly working out will help me gaining confidence? When I was 19-22 it might have but right now my lack of it comes from the fact that I am so far behind my peers. I mean some at my age are getting married or having kids and I haven't even gone on a date. You are delusional if you think women on those sites are just waiting for 26 virgins to hook up with lol. Females are very picky these days and the thing that repulses them the most is being an inexperienced male. I mean at 26 girls my age want someone for a serious relationship and they do not want to be a teacher for a guy. Younger girls if they prefer older guys it is because of their experience so I have nothing to my advantage over their relatives that are younger than me. Older women if they have a virgin fantasy will prefer an innocent 18 year old not a clumsy 26 year old virgin


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I can empathise with a lot of what has been said here. I had a stunning girlfriend when i was 17 up until about 20, like 9 out of 10, however that also coincided with when my hair-loss was at its worse, I did start treatment during those years but it continued to worsen. She was a very superficial girl (but 90% of them are) and to this day i am certain it was my hair-loss that became a factor in us splitting up. Anyway once we split up I was awful with girls, i was probably a NW3.5 at age 20/21 and I got nowhere, I had no confidence which is definitely a factor but there is no denying that girls are just turned off by hair-loss, especially in the 20s, Also I have a good-looking face (not trying to be arrogant), i suit short hair and even a shaved head, yet i got next to zero attention from girls at uni. Anyway, i'm now 23 and a bit, back to a NW1 and I have lots of regrowth, and I clearn up on nights out; of course my confidence is boosted but i still think the most important factor is an improvement in hairloss. When styled it just looks like a have a slightly mature hair-line. My girlfriend (a solid 8) said to me the other day do i think i will get my fathers hairline (i.e bald) because she would hate that, i split up with her yesterday, that one thing she said made my blood boil, doesn't realise the anguish, insecurity and general unhappiness i went through (and still going through). As far as im concerned most girls deserve to be treated badly, they do it to guys, if they see a bald or balding guy i bet they go back to their friends and say cruel unfair things; i'm not saying we should hate women, but it's naive to think they are anything but superficial, and if we improve our situations and we become desirable again, we have a duty to play them at their own game.


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I can empathise with a lot of what has been said here. I had a stunning girlfriend when i was 17 up until about 20, like 9 out of 10, however that also coincided with when my hair-loss was at its worse, I did start treatment during those years but it continued to worsen. She was a very superficial girl (but 90% of them are) and to this day i am certain it was my hair-loss that became a factor in us splitting up. Anyway once we split up I was awful with girls, i was probably a NW3.5 at age 20/21 and I got nowhere, I had no confidence which is definitely a factor but there is no denying that girls are just turned off by hair-loss, especially in the 20s, Also I have a good-looking face (not trying to be arrogant), i suit short hair and even a shaved head, yet i got next to zero attention from girls at uni. Anyway, i'm now 23 and a bit, back to a NW1 and I have lots of regrowth, and I clearn up on nights out; of course my confidence is boosted but i still think the most important factor is an improvement in hairloss. When styled it just looks like a have a slightly mature hair-line. My girlfriend (a solid 8) said to me the other day do i think i will get my fathers hairline (i.e bald) because she would hate that, i split up with her yesterday, that one thing she said made my blood boil, doesn't realise the anguish, insecurity and general unhappiness i went through (and still going through). As far as im concerned most girls deserve to be treated badly, they do it to guys, if they see a bald or balding guy i bet they go back to their friends and say cruel unfair things; i'm not saying we should hate women, but it's naive to think they are anything but superficial, and if we improve our situations and we become desirable again, we have a duty to play them at their own game.
How did you get from a Norwood 3.5 back to NW1? Did you have a hair transplant? As I've not heard of meds working that well. Seems extreme to split up with your girlfriend over what may have been a glib comment.

As for treating women badly, well two wrongs don't make a right. Some of the guys on here are just as superficial as women can be if not more. All the talk of "land whales" on here by BBSA etc is pretty damning and shows why some forum members are single.


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My Regimen
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I posted on my story a while ago with my regimen, and pics feel free to have a look.
I don't think it is that extreme, she has made comments like that before and it tells me something about her that I don't like, is that not my prerogative? I agree, two wrongs don't make a right, but until I find a girl that I think is different I feel the need to protect myself in that way, perhaps i'm also just very bitter.


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And how exactly working out will help me gaining confidence? When I was 19-22 it might have but right now my lack of it comes from the fact that I am so far behind my peers. I mean some at my age are getting married or having kids and I haven't even gone on a date. You are delusional if you think women on those sites are just waiting for 26 virgins to hook up with lol. Females are very picky these days and the thing that repulses them the most is being an inexperienced male. I mean at 26 girls my age want someone for a serious relationship and they do not want to be a teacher for a guy. Younger girls if they prefer older guys it is because of their experience so I have nothing to my advantage over their relatives that are younger than me. Older women if they have a virgin fantasy will prefer an innocent 18 year old not a clumsy 26 year old virgin

Working out releases feel-good endorphins and the constant goal of your body getting more toned helps your outlook a bit. I did the p90x workout program two years ago before starting the big 3 and I honestly stopped worrying about hairloss because my body was getting in better shape and I just had confidence all around. Now after I finished the three months I started researching methods to keep hair and started the big three but I'm telling you, the workouts and healthy eating really helped my outlook a lot.

and look, I somewhat understand you. Girls we're interested in me when I was in my teens but I was so shy I would turn them down and didn't have a girlfriend until i was 18. I tell you it is far far better to lonely and single than to be in a miserable relationship. You just ahve to weigh the pros and cons....and there really can be many cons to a relationship. When you're single you really think it will solve your problems though...and it only magnified mine.

Quantum Cat

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How did you get from a Norwood 3.5 back to NW1? Did you have a hair transplant? As I've not heard of meds working that well. Seems extreme to split up with your girlfriend over what may have been a glib comment.

As for treating women badly, well two wrongs don't make a right. Some of the guys on here are just as superficial as women can be if not more. All the talk of "land whales" on here by BBSA etc is pretty damning and shows why some forum members are single.

but Land Whales can easily solve their (self-afflicted) affliction. We can't

uncomfortable man

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I can't in good concsience make fun of anyone else's appearance (besides dress) because I know what it feels like being on the other end of that stick. I try to remain respectful, I just wish other people would return the favour to me more often.


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I can't in good concsience make fun of anyone else's appearance (besides dress) because I know what it feels like being on the other end of that stick. I try to remain respectful, I just wish other people would return the favour to me more often.

This is what im trying to say...some here like you dont want to be judged by how you look...fair does... but you dont go around judging others like others do with "fat" people here...i mean why would you try to put someone down when you hate it when others do it to you?


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dannyboyy, cant you see theres a big difference betwern mocking fatties and baldies?

somebody on here had a great line they used when this came up, was something along the lines of 'imagine if all we had to do to get a NW1 was exercise on a regular basis and eat healthy food', thats the key.. the extreme majotity of tubbies you see in the world have done that to themselves by choice.


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dannyboyy, cant you see theres a big difference betwern mocking fatties and baldies?

somebody on here had a great line they used when this came up, was something along the lines of 'imagine if all we had to do to get a NW1 was exercise on a regular basis and eat healthy food', thats the key.. the extreme majotity of tubbies you see in the world have done that to themselves by choice.

You just dont get you?


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Could you enlighten me DannyBoyy? Because I'm with BrightonBaldy on this one. It's simple logic, but you clearly think we're wrong.

Being fat or not being bald or not and others dont like being JUDGED yeah? and yet you lot are JUDGING fat because they did it to themselves its ok to judge others? dont you guys have ANY respect for others? can no one get what im saying?


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Will you?

You seem to not care about looks

So will you date and get laid with:

Assuming she has a really great personality, I mean that what matter right?

Here is another viewpoint on this:

Suppose a person wants kids. Lets say I do.
Now, assume that the girl you linked has awesome genes --- incredibly smart people in her family, PLUS incredibly physically gifted, very strong, atheletic, tall, symmetrical, long life span etc etc. In essence, she has *great* genes. If you manage to have kids with her, the kids will get those great genes.

Would YOU choose to have kids with her (this entails persuing her romantically)?


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Alright, to come to his defense once again, I will try to explain the point he is making. Of course, most of us are not attracted to overweight women. For me it is an issue of health, I would like to have someone who takes care of themselves as I believe most anyone can be decent looking or have a special something as long as they clean up, take care of their appearance, and have a good personality.

I think the point he is making, and the issue I have with this topic, is that such a topic dehumanizes overweight women as if they were a subspecies. It's as if you talk about them like they are not worthy of being part of the human race yet you guys cry and moan because you think everyone looks at you as less than human due to your hairloss...of course most of it is in your head but even if it wasn't, who cares? You have one life to live and you're spending it degrading others and writhing in mental agony while you could be saying " this is something I can't change so why not get out there and do everything I want to do." Some of you lot have the most miserable and messed-up outlooks on life, while you sit around and do nothing....that alone makes your life incomplete, not the hair loss.


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Will you?

You seem to not care about looks

So will you date and get laid with:

Assuming she has a really great personality, I mean that what matter right?

Dont change the subject im not on about being with fat women what ever i say in that matter i cant win if i said yes i would go with a fat woman you would say im lying...if i said no you would go and say im a say what you like in that matter i cant win have fun...anyway im on about showing respect to another human being YOU dont want to be judged for being bald so dont judge others for being fat...and i dont care if a fat person slagged you off for being bald either two wrongs dont make a right...and i dont care if they can fix how they look either dont make it right to look at them like they are scum all because they dont fit your vain image for what a woman should look like.


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so you wont date a fat chick

what a hypocrite you are

you want them to love you bald but your not willing to compensate yourself

Thanks for proving my point i can read you like a book...and you ignored everything i surprise there.