anyone add rogaine after long time finasteride usage?


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So I have been on finasteride for close to 6 years now and saw fantastic success at first. Over the last 6-12 months I have noticed that I started losing hair again and I got on rogaine 5% foam about 2 months ago.

SInce I started the foam I have definitely thinned out a good bit which I'm hoping is rogaine-related shedding and not my male pattern baldness speeding up but who knows.

Anyways, i was wondering if anyone on here has added rogaine to their regimen after seeing effects from finasteride diminish a bit and if the rogaine has had any positive effect?

keep up the good fight.


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I've been taking finasteride for 2 years and lately my hair has started to thin a bit. Thinking of adding rogaine but afraid of shedding which might not grow back.

No guts to take the risk as I might end up worse off than now.


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From what I've heard, shedding is a natural part of the process and will grow back. I don't think there are any REAL documented reports of rogaine worsening hairloss. when people say rogaine makes things worse i think it is either a) that the effects of male pattern baldness are outweighing the positive results of the rogaine, b) they get scared of the initial shed and then stop the treatment or c) a combination of the 2

i had a very long shed when i was on propecia and the hair grew back thicker and fuller. i think the key to both rogaine and propecia is sticking it out