Anybody in Canada get...


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does anybody that lives in canada get their minoxidil made at the pharmacy since you cant buy it off the shelves here like in the states? Im wondering cause i always order from Dr.Lee, but if i just get it made at the pharmacy cant i just get them to lower the ppg content so its the same as dr.lees, thus saving money and time and the feeling i get knowing that is 100% legit.


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i got my first 2 bottles at the pharmacy in Toronto. 5%. I know its legit because thats when I experienced the most regrowth. I found that Rogaine in the states is WAY cheaper..its like 4 times cheaper so I get it there when I go. I know everyone will blast me for saying this, but I found the Kirkland brand to flake my skin while Rogaine and the pharmacy one did nothing of the sort. I know its the same ingredients, and it might just be a coincidence, but who knows. GOod luck


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i just checked and the Pharmacy bottle is pure minoxidil while the store ones have other ingredients. I wonder if that has anything to do with the cost difference/


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it cant be pure minoxidil......there has to be a vehicle for absorbtion, which in this case is alcohol...did the pharmacy version make u flake at all?


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WithTheLidOff said:
i got my first 2 bottles at the pharmacy in Toronto. 5%. I know its legit because thats when I experienced the most regrowth. I found that Rogaine in the states is WAY cheaper..its like 4 times cheaper so I get it there when I go. I know everyone will blast me for saying this, but I found the Kirkland brand to flake my skin while Rogaine and the pharmacy one did nothing of the sort. I know its the same ingredients, and it might just be a coincidence, but who knows. GOod luck

You can get minoxidil off the shelf in Canada, but I've only seen the 2% around here and that was for $30 (1 month supply) at a local drug store. I didn't even know the 5% was available here. Instead I bought a 4 month, 5% supply off of ebay for $40.


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hey cant get 5% of the shelves in need a prescription. as far as I know the 2% is useless althohg I dont know what stage you guys are in.
As for the flaking, its pretty bad. I didnt happen at all, EVER for 6 months on the pharmacy stuff, then the very day I switched to Kirkland it startded flaking. I t might have just been a coincidence, but I doubt it. I also notice that if I rub it in with my fngers for a few minutes it doenst flake. It only flakes when I just apply it on (at least I know i'm getting the scalp.) Anyways, the results far outweigh the flakes, and they might even go away so its not that bad.

All in all, its probably better to get Rogaine from the states as its much much cheaper. Good luck


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I just started minoxidil about 3 months ago, and bought 2% here in Toronto.

Luckily, i get to new york city about once a month, and stumbled into a drugstore where they had 5% for $16 USD for a 2 month supply. I've been using that ever since, and will buy it on a regular basis - assuming i see some results within 6-8 months.

I always wonder something though: I have been a "slow responder" on two drugs so far - finasteride (9 months) and an ssri (10 weeks), which makes me wondere if there's a genetic component to response time?

Incidentally, I just started on MSM, and am curious to see if it speeds the process up any. Fingers crossed!

Old Baldy

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Why is 5 percent minoxidil. not sold OTC in Canada? What are the authorities worried about?


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well, we do TRY to be different from you US folks. Less guns, more school, better government, and no 5% minoxidil over the counter. I dunno, maybe the kids were drinking it.

But we're the land of OTC 2% nizoral, so there.

The Gardener

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Actually, I believe the per capita gun ownership figures in Canada are in the same ballpark as down here in the States... but you guys aren't into shooting each other as much as we are down here.

Apparently, 5% minoxidil not only causes puffy eyes, it turns people into cold blooded killers.