Any way to tell difference between Min2 and Min5?


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I've been on Minox5 since November 2006. I went to the pharmacy to pick up another six-month supply last month and had it given to me in six generic 2% bottles. I was told that the 5% mixture was probably made in them. But I was skeptical.

I'm now worried that I was sold 2% because I can't find any proof that the mix was made. Is there any way for me to test my theory- without having to wait for my hair to fall out? What should I do?




Experienced Member
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They shouldn't be preparing the minoxidil and selling it in those bottles to begin with there are many generic brands out there that sell sealed product and are clearly marked 5% or 2%. I don't know how much product you bought but it sounds a bit sketchy I would just get genuine 5% stuff from some legit website or supplier.


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Thanks, but I'm in Canada. It's a little different here. I don't think I've ever seen 5% boxes/labels/bottles in this country. Pharmacies prepare the 5% here themselves because we need to get 5% by prescription... so we take the prescription into the pharmacy, they usually take their 2% bottles (which they have... Rogaine or otherwise) and mix them themselves. To this point I've always had the mix come in a new, pharmacy bottle (indicating that they poured in the 2% and made the mix)- with the prescription clearly labelled on it.

I went to a different pharmacy this time but they filled my prescription in the same 2% bottles and boxes of the generic brand. When I raised it with them, they just told me, "Yeah, we probably mixed it in there." I'm scared because it looks exactly the same as if I had just bought the 2% over the counter. The only proof that someone had opened the box at all is in the fact that the seal is broken. But other than that, I can't tell.

If I trusted pharmacies in this country to do their work properly, I wouldn't be worried. But Canadian pharmacies are a nightmare- you can barely trust them to write your name down properly. For example, I called a couple months ago to prepare another prescription and they said, "Well, it probably won't be ready for tonight. We have to call your doctor. Come in tomorrow and it'll be ready." I said, "Well, fine. But are you telling me that if I come in tomorrow, it will absolutely be ready, 100%, no chance that it won't?" She laughs, "Yes, yes. Tomorrow it will be ready. I will call your doctor as soon as I hang up the phone." I say again, "100%?" She laughs again, "Yes!"

I come in the next day and not only is it not ready, she didn't even call the doctor. Yes, it is that absurd! I was going to blow a fuse! In Canada, this is not the exception either- it is the norm.

I would not be surprised in the least if they forgot to mix my prescription here. I don't know what to do, close my eyes and hope for the best?



Senior Member
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I understand the dangers of buying from the internet, but this is a good example of when the internet is better than the local pharmacy.

On a separate note, I don't have any money in my bank account until tomorrow morning, so I couldn't order any minoxidil online and I ran out yesterday. The pharmacy cost of a single bottle is almost 5 times more expensive than the internet, but I don't want to go without the treatment for a few days. So, I'm gonna buy one bottle from my local pharmacy tomorrow morning... I'm not looking forward to paying extortionate price...