any topical dutas users out there ?


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so -
i've been using topical dutas for a couple weeks now.
i was poking a hole with a needle in the pill and squeezed it to the bottle.
problem is - some of the duta is going to waste.
it goes to waste on the gloves i wear,
it goes to waste on the needle,
it goes to waste on the funnel,
and some of it just stays in the pill, its practically impossible to squeeze all 100% of the pill outside.

so its not very ideal,
now i need some suggestion and ideas on how to bring it to, or close to perfection.
ideally would be to get pure dutasteride powder, but thats pretty hard (would love some help with that too)
thats it


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Since Dutasteride's molecular weight is something like 530 Dalton and given that the maximum weight for a molecule to penetrate the skin is 500 Dalton, how do you make this work? Do you inject it into your scalp, mesotherapy style?


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Since Dutasteride's molecular weight is something like 530 Dalton and given that the maximum weight for a molecule to penetrate the skin is 500 Dalton, how do you make this work? Do you inject it into your scalp, mesotherapy style?

thats interesting you point that out..
but on the package of the pill it says something like:
absorbed through the skin, women must avoid contact.

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and from wikipedia as well
Since these medications are readily absorbed through the skin, women who are or may become pregnant should not handle them and if they come into contact with leaking capsules, the contact area should be washed immediately in soapy water.

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ok im not sure about this, maybe im wrong but wikipedia also says:
Molar mass528.53 g/mol
now - g/mol is not dalton ...
or is it .... ?


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Well I think it's more of a legal disclaimer. Like what if the woman that touches the dutasteride is pregnant and has a little wound on her finger.. They want to protect themselves.
And Dalton and g/mol are not the same units but they are numerically equal. So you can say that 1 Dalton = 1g/mol.


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Well I think it's more of a legal disclaimer. Like what if the woman that touches the dutasteride is pregnant and has a little wound on her finger.. They want to protect themselves.
And Dalton and g/mol are not the same units but they are numerically equal. So you can say that 1 Dalton = 1g/mol.

but there are also arguments on whether the 500 dalton rule is exact or not...
some say that some molecules, even if they're more than 500 dalton can pass through the skin...

but its an intersting point nevertheless...
i've seen a lot of thread of people using topical dutasteride and, to their claims, with sucsess.

now you got me skeptical.
im not sure anymore if i should continue adding duta to the topical solution as if maybe im just wasting my pills ...


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but there are also arguments on whether the 500 dalton rule is exact or not...
some say that some molecules, even if they're more than 500 dalton can pass through the skin...

but its an intersting point nevertheless...
i've seen a lot of thread of people using topical dutasteride and, to their claims, with sucsess.

now you got me skeptical.
im not sure anymore if i should continue adding duta to the topical solution as if maybe im just wasting my pills ...

I don't know about the ongoing argument specifically, I tend to follow the "common rule". However I hope I'm wrong and that it can work. Will try to get a bit more info and get back to you :)
Sorry for making your skeptical but I thought it could be good for you to know. May I ask you why you don't use it orally ?
However, injecting it is a viable solution. There is a study that shows the effectiveness of dutasteride mesotherapy in women.

g.i joey

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im a noob when it comes to this but how many daltons are there in finasteride? wondering if rubbing this finasteride topical on my head is more of a hassle than it is helping me.


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im a noob when it comes to this but how many daltons are there in finasteride? wondering if rubbing this finasteride topical on my head is more of a hassle than it is helping me.

Less than 400. You're fine!


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Why cant you use a utility knife to cut the pill in half?

But is there a point to taking it topically?

Haven't plenty of studies have shown topically applied 5arI produce just about the same effects on hormones as when ingested orally?


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I've seen liquid dutasteride on some research chem websites. Purity solutions comes to mind.


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I don't know about the ongoing argument specifically, I tend to follow the "common rule". However I hope I'm wrong and that it can work. Will try to get a bit more info and get back to you :)
Sorry for making your skeptical but I thought it could be good for you to know. May I ask you why you don't use it orally ?
However, injecting it is a viable solution. There is a study that shows the effectiveness of dutasteride mesotherapy in women.

thats a good skepticism though ... so thanks !!
i had to mind that little but important point abiout its molecular weight.
ill probably stop using it topically and see how that goes ..
im taking it ED orally anyway..
im going to add soon spironolactone too...


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I'm switching to topical dutasteride because oral gave me insomnia and my sperm is very bad quality and I produce less semen and there is no force anymore in my ejaculation. There is a guy called sonic temples he uses 0.5mg topical once a week only and got results new hair on hairline. He cut a pill and mix it with ethanol and pg I believe.