Any success stories out there?



I am so very happy for all of you who have decreased and/or stopped you hairloss. However, I am wondering if anyone has experienced any significant regrowth. I am feeling VERY depressed and hopeless about my hairloss. My hair looks like complete crap and I have to wear it back all the time. Has ANYONE actually regrown their hair??? Or at least some SIGNIFICANT amount of hair? Please please please tell me that there is some amount of hope!


Hi Guest!

Who are you? You haven't registered! :)

One good thing about women's hair loss is that a large percentage of it reverses itself in a year or two at the most. That's something the guys can't say for their situations.

Its really a process of doing some extensive work to try and find the cause, and then hopefully reverse the cause, or eliminate it. If no cause can be found via the diagnostic tests, or process of elimination, the available treatments can help to a certain extent. How much depends entirely on your physiology and how well you respond to them.

So there is some good news in all of this. Hopefully if you register an account we can begin to follow your situation and help you work through all the ins and outs and come to some sort of solution for you specifically! Would be great if after registering you could post your story in the "Tell your Story" area too! (main forum page)

Its a process and I'll do everything I can to help you.



Anonymous said:
I am so very happy for all of you who have decreased and/or stopped you hairloss. However, I am wondering if anyone has experienced any significant regrowth. I am feeling VERY depressed and hopeless about my hairloss. My hair looks like complete crap and I have to wear it back all the time. Has ANYONE actually regrown their hair??? Or at least some SIGNIFICANT amount of hair? Please please please tell me that there is some amount of hope!

I regrew my crown over a period of about 18 months using the Big Three and folligen.

Good luck


Thats great Bruce, I hope we can all join you in success soon too! :)



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This is another thread that I started but it came up under guest. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for new and better treatments! Anyone know of anything on the horizon?