Any 'safe' Alternatives To Finasteride? (household With Kids)


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I've been taking Finasteride for about 2 years (1mg per day, prescribed by doctor) and have been feeling like absolute crap.

I decided to get a FULL blood workup, and the results were alarming. My total testosterone is good, but my DHT level is very low (duh, Finasteride) as well as my Free Testosterone is low.

This seems to have been causing problems similar to Low T: Lethargy, weight gain, libido, poor mood, etc.

Along with a low-T/endocrinologist who tested me, I decided I will stop the Finasteride immediately, and re-test DHT and Test levels in 6 weeks.

I'm a 38 male with a very good diet and exercise 5-6 days a week. I am very susceptible to male pattern baldness, but I waited to start finasteride until my wife and I were done having kids, and she was done breastfeeding. I'm very careful to keep the finasteride where no one (especially my boys) would be exposed. I wanted to start finasteride in my 20s, but the potential side effects weren't worth it.

Anyways, I'm still using minoxidil and nizoral, but without finasteride, I know I'm going to start losing hair big time. Using the big 3 did slow down my loss big time, but I was slowly receding over time.

I would love to use topical finasteride, but that seems very unsafe when you have kids. If the finasteride tablet and powder from a cut tablet is dangerous, imagine smothering your head in it everyday as part of a topical solution... it's going to rub off everywhere: your pillow, hat, playing with your kids, sitting on the couch, etc. etc. You don't mess with the DHT levels in boys... Bad stuff happens.

So I need something that can sort of take the place of finasteride, but A) won't have major systemic effects on DHT so I don't have to take 2 or 3 TRT drugs to compensate and B) won't be an environmental risk to my family and especially my children.

I'm probably asking for too much, and if forced to choose, I'll chose to keep my body healthy and my kids healthy vs. having hair... But like all of you, I would really like to NOT go bald.

Side note: I appreciate all opinions, but I'm past the point of wondering if finasteride is to blame for my low-T symptoms. I've had as many blood tests that you can get, not just the standard ones, and finasteride caused my dht to crash, and is possibly causing my free-t to crash.

Also, I could possibly continue taking finasteride for my hair, and take several trt related drugs to boost free testosterone, but I always favor keeping it simple, especially now that I know I've been screwing up my hormones with finasteride.



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finasteride increases testosterone since it stops the conversion to DHT. Your low T was probably due to something else.