Any online pharmacies with things like Valium/Xanax?


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Looking for some to get me through some blood tests and medical procedures that scare me lol

Any recommendations of trustworthy and affordable online pharmacies?

Hoppi :)


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It's a lot harder to get meds like those because they're classified as controlled substances - the authorities don't care much about Finasteride being sold but they tend to crack down on sites selling Benzodiazepines and Opiates in particular (funny though that they mostly leave steroids alone).
This is why most online pharmacies leave the stuff alone.

I used to buy Diazepam a while back (I used it when I was initially down about my hair loss) but the Pharmacy I bought it from got shut down by the MHRA, and I haven't bothered since. You never know when the Governbent might take offense.


Senior Member
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True enough, thanks for the info :)

I wonder if I will find anywhere reputable that sells it...


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Some Beta-Blockers in low dosages are good for anxiety.................... :whistle:


Established Member
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Are you fuckin' serious?

This coming from Mr. Holistic?

What about marijuana, st. john's wort, exercise, postive thinking, yoga or a nice meditation session?

So male pattern baldness can be solved without pharmaceuticals but anxiety/worry can't?



Established Member
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Alright, If worse comes to worse, take your dog or someone else's dog (if you don't have one) to the vet and tell the Doctor your dog has separation anxiety and needs a tranquilizer to get through the day when they're left alone. Swallow the pills yourself and up the dosage based on your body weight compared to the dog's.

A monster truck could drive through your living room and you wouldn't give a f***. Crushing a bunch of Tylenol 3's and doing a rail works just as good.

Either that or just jerk one or two off beforehand.


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Either that or just jerk one or two off beforehand.

But that causes hair loss and penis cancer............................. :shock:

Better off using saw palmetto powder on his nut sacks like talcum powder. This is a more holistic approach to Hoppi's special needs...................................


Senior Member
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Cowpat is ideal Hoppi, put it under the grill to dry in to a powder, then sprinkle on your cornflakes, with soy milk of course, after that you'll be able to take in injection up your japs eye without blinking.

Trust me.

Or just go to the Doctor and make up some sh*t about panic attacks, and he'll prescribe something, because that's what they do.