Any luck for receders?


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Obviously I have a receding hairline, the classic 80's Bill Murrary look. My forhead is high too. Lately the top of my head has been thinning too, but mainly the receding bothers me the most. Is rogaine pointless for me or have any of you seen luck with the hairline?

Also, I wear my hair long, like shoulder length. I was wondering how to application would be? My hair is curly so I didn't know if the junk would mess up my natural (non-combed, no gel) hair.



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This will hopefully help other people too.

You have the same problem as me when it comes to receding, though my hair isn't long! I too have a high forehead/hairline and have had a widow's peak for a couple of years. The rest of my hair is fine and grows quick (thanks to my dad's genes). I follow my mother's father for hair-line.

I'm 30 and in the UK so am on Regaine. I started using it at the beggining of December and, despite the leaflet saying it could take 3-4 months to work, I noticed new hair growing within a month!

Now, 2 and a half months on, the "bald" areas are almost covered with new hair though its thin, lighter in colour and also downy (baby hair is how they describe it) so I've kept my current long on the front to cover up the "new" bits otherwise it'll look odd! At the back of the "bald" areas the "new" hair is blending in and you can't tell what's old and what's new!

The new hair grows in stages so at the moment some bits are longer than others and I still notice every day new tiny hairs starting to grow on the front.

The first bottle I bought lasted about 7 weeks as opposed to a month which was good but am now using gel as it was on special offer in a supermarket (sainsburys!).

The only drawback is that I've had some flakes (like dandruff) but this should only be a short-term side-effect according to the leaflet.

I keep telling myself to be patient and allow the new hair to form like normal hair in its colour and thickness. Once/if it does (and it could take a few months according to their info) it'll be back to how it was!

In case you're thinking I work for the company which makes it I can assure you I don't. I'm a radio presenter/reporter for the BBC. You can email me at and I'll prove it! The reason I say this is because I was sceptical about posts like this when I first looked into it and I'm keen to help others.

I think the fact that I'm young, have thick hair elsewhere and haven;t had the problem for years and years is what is helping it work quick.

Good luck.



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I can back up what the guy above me said

started foam dec 2006.

i had 1 year of propecia (still on it) before i started foam. propecia kept all my hair n thickened here n there but never really had much of an impact on the temple/hairline.

now, i have small hairs EVERYWHERE on the hairline and temples. i am a Norwood 2, but if these lil hairs fill in, i will be more than Norwood 1, i'll be back at my juvenile hairline.

so that's my story. i have no doubt that propecia is somewhat helping. i think with less dht attacking the follicles, the hair can regrow much more efficiently w/minoxidil.


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Interesting. Glad to hear you guys were lucky. I am wondering, did Rogaine help make your hair thicker in the process? By that I mean your old hair, not the new baby hairs.

I started using it today and my scalp is kind of tingly/itchy. I am unsure of whether or not I am going to apply it once of twice a day. What do you fellows do?


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it is too early to tell if it has helped my old hair. but i have lost no density so it's maintaining at the very least.

i started with once a day, usually night time. now i do twice because it's so easy to put on.

i only do the crown at night tho. hairline twice a day.


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Foam works on the hairline. It just takes a long time, so you have to be patient. Minimum 12 months.


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Right, I realize it'll take a long time. Especially for me because I have long hair. I am probably going to stick with it although I might stop once I can get on Propecia. I wonder if it would be foolish for me to try Rogaine for a few month and then stop because I can be on Propecia? Would that make my hair worse?

Maybe I can gain some "rogaine hair" before hand and then Propecia can save/maintain that hair?


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Propecia will not maintain/save/help in general any hair growth that is attributed to rogaine. You stop rogaine, the hair is gonna fall back out whether you stay on propecia or not. They work in entirely different ways.


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I see. Well hopefully it works well and I won't have to stop it. Otherwise I will be relying on Propecia for any success I should have.


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Its hard to say whether my "old" hair is any thicker. Because of my gene's (from my father's side) my hair has always been thick.

I would follow the instructions and use Regaine/Rogaine twice a day as instructed (where possible). I couldn't believe how quick the "new" hair started to grow. I just hope it continues to grow and then turns "normal" to fully blend in with the rest.



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sunman said:
I couldn't believe how quick the "new" hair started to grow. I just hope it continues to grow and then turns "normal" to fully blend in with the rest.


Congrats on the new regrowth, however I wouldn't hold your hopes up too high that your newly grown hair will 'blend in' with rest of your hair....

I have been using Rogaine for about 5-6 years now and what I have found is that although minoxidil does regrow hair, it's a completely different texture compared to the rest of your 'natural' hair and only manages to grow about half an inch.


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Right. Well I only use it once a day, unless on the weekends. I think it makes my hair look weird so at night is way better. It is also cheaper to do it once a day Mon-Fri and then twice on Sat. and Sun.

I have noticed my hair is thinning out a bit from the foam, I reckon that means it's working.


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It means my hair is a little thinner and it is receded a little more since I've been on it (two 1/2 weeks ago). The packet with the foam said my hairloss would increase a bit at first...


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I had some good luck. Although the difference between it and the old hair is still noticable. I will be interested to see if it ever catches up. It's about 1 inch atm but I shaved it off abot 20/12/07 to see how quickly it would grow. Answer: about an inch in 2 1/2 months. I just want to see if it carries on.


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Yeah, I've seen your progress. Excellent results. I wear my hair about shoulder length so I wonder how long it will grow too. Since I rarely cut my hair I'll see how long it can go if I get any results. So far I've been on it almost 3 weeks so I doubt I'll see results for a little while.


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ditto with the growing hair long (not shoulder length though). Even when I get my hair cut it will still be longer than my new hair is, so it should have ample time to prove its worth, so to speak.