Any Guys Shave Their Head With Head Trimmers Ever Had This Issue ?


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So i have been shaving my head for a couple of years and i oil them and never feel any snagging or at least not enough to feel like hair has been ripped out... maybe i have no feeling in my scalp lol!

but every now and then after i shave it down to a 0 or 1 all over i notice little areas where hair is missing that wasnt there before.... i'm not talking anything the size of penny/dime but little spots where there is no hair at all in the spot... and over the last few years i have seen more and more of these spots all over my head that when the hair grows out over 1 it looks quite horrible.

So i continue to shave now because of this more than the receding hairline i initially shaved it down for...

I don't feel any snagging and my hair is never longer than a 1 so i cant even think how they could be getting caught in the razor.

anyways just wondered if anyone else has had this from years of head trimmer shaving.



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I have this problem too. It's called Diffuse Pattered Alopecia. I have small spots all over the top of my head where there is no hair anymore. Rest assured it is not your clippers ripping hair out. If you are not on treatment already I would recommend getting a DHT test to see if your levels are high. If they are high then finasteride is your best bet. If it is on the low side then either take finasteride at a low dose, like .25 mg, I will add a word of caution, I started on 1.25 mg and it thinned out my hair everywhere, so approach it with caution as not everyone needs the standard dose. Also minoxidil, although it has a low response rate, like around 40%.


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see at first i thought it might be alopecia areata, but the spots are nowhere near big enough... they are tiny and the hair around the spots are thick at maybe one side but then slightly thinner on the other side.

the best way to describe it is moth eaten looking.... you know when a moth eats your curtains and it's all patchy, when it's shaved to a zero it can look fine... but let it grow near a 1 and i can some areas really dark, some areas lighter ( less hair ?) and then tiny spots the size of a half a tic tac...

there was on area that my clippers did pull out as i felt it and it was unfortunetly the widows peak and since then there has been no regrowth and it looks like the surrounding hair is now falling out too so it's getting bigger.

I cant use any treatments at all.... my scalp is sooo sensitive i have to wash with baby shampoo and use apple cider vinegar to stop redness/flaking scabbing.

My scalp right now is in the best condition its been in over 10 years with not washing as often and using the cider vinegar to keep it at the right ph level as it was always on the dry side... but i just see more and more of these little bald spots and worried it was the clippers... it sounds bad but i sometimes wish i had just gradual male pattern baldness where i had receding but could still pull of a style with this diffuse loss it looks like i have an illness of some kind...that keeping it to a zero is the only healthy looking way to keep it.

cheers for the input.


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I first noticed these small areas with no hair a couple of years ago and got on treatment. Now they are way more prevalent. You will see this in DPA. It is by far the most soul crushing way to lose your hair because it is all happening at once. On the bright side, however, if you are a good responder to finasteride you will maintain the appearance of a full head of hair for some time.