Anxiety/Depression and hair loss


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Does anybody suffer from anxiety and/or depression here? After speaking to a therapist it seems I have been suffering from anxiety for a good portion of my life. Whenever I become overly anxious my scalp becomes severely inflamed and I lose more hair. My weak areas like hairline thin out even more. My sleep also suffers due to anxiety and I truly believe this combination increases hair loss.

Anyone have experience with meds to help anxiety? My therapist spoke to me about antidepressants and she suggests I get on some soon. I have read hair loss is a common side effect of antidepressants.


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Other way around here. Started to have panick attacks AS SOON AS baldness became evident.


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Sad to hear that you do. I have been having feelings of anxiety for the past year, contemplating whether to see a therapist or not. I don't know whether my hair loss has accelerated during this period, but if anything I notice it more because I spend more time inspecting my hair.
OT: Never taken meds against this, but I've also heard that hair loss is a common side effect. I suppose this could vary from drug to drug, but I believe most SSRIs could lead to it (?).


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Anxiety, and being socially anxious affect a large amount of men experiencing hair loss, if not all yo varying degrees.

Next you will experience less partners over time. Big decrease on attraction, and attention from desirable females.



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Go to east Asia.

Best game to run if you have a career, make good money and need ***.

Worst thing is being bald and poor


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"Luckily" for me, I was already completely ignored when I had hair... Now I'm no longer invisibile, women usually look at me with disgust for an instant before looking away.

Poor guy. I feel you as I am skinny too. The best thing you can do is to get some tan and grow some beard I guess.. And maybe grow some muscles, but this one is really hard for us, I know...


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I was always extremely confident and did well with the ladies until around 23 I let my hair loss take control of me. Propecia has helped alot but yeah I have anxiety and depression based just on my hair loss. I've become obsessed and paranoid about my thinning hairline. I'm working through it and I know I'll get past it just like all of us will. It's actually just nice to know I'm not the only one lol


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I suffered from depression since age 10. But TBH, it became evident to me only when I experienced hairloss.
Because of a High IQ, an abusive mother, and some sexual violence when I was a child, I had trouble, naturally. But with hairloss, when I realized that I might be losing the ability to ever be happy, it started hitting me real hard.

I do take antidepressants. IT's sad,but I need them to function.


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Lexapro is great to take for anxiety. Ask your doctor about trying it.

Are you currently taking it and if so what dose and how often? My Doctor gave a prescription but decided not to use it.
My anxiety started last year and has nothing to do with my hair, in fact my hair was looking better than ever at the time. I started getting head pressures, shaking, feeling dizzy and fatigued and like I'm completely disconnected from reality, a lot of irrational thought as well. If you saw me on the street I'd look perfectly fine, tall, physique, hair is fine but my head was a complete mess and I couldn't function. I thought maybe it was the hair loss meds and I been off them for 4 months but sadly I'm still suffering with the exception that I'm dealing with it better now.

My hair is literally non existent now and I just buzz cut it and the hair itself doesn't cause me any anxiety cuz I tell myself at least I'm lucky to be 6'2" with a decent physique. The only thing is that it can be a bit "depressing" when the type of girls that would usually turn heads when I walk past them are now not really noticing me much.
I got an MRI/MRA for my neck and head coming up this weekend, hopefully everything will be fine. Worst case scenario I'll try antidepressants/anxiety meds and see if all these symptoms get better.

But once again, I have to mention that my anxiety started at a stage when I was doing well with my hair and I was quite happy with it and not because I was anxious/depressed about losing hair. And even now when I'm off meds and I'm practically bald, it doesn't bother me THAT much, just boils me up a bit inside on how a few very average mediocre girls can automatically dismiss a guy by his lack of hair from first glance.