Another Rogaine foam shed thread


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Okay for those of you that shed with the foam id like to know how long it lasted, did it grow back, or was it a shed that left little *** velous hair that eventually fell out and never came back...

Im aware that a shed occurs with any treament most of the time. If been on for 7 days and ive already seen a shed that in my estimate is a year/year and half of normal balding...mainly in the temples.

I am feeling the area where i have shed and it is completely slick..lightest peach fuzz ever, did that happen to you guys? I expected hair to fall out and come back a little darker, not lighter.


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foam shed

Go back to the liquid, quit the foam. I have been on the liquid 5% for 4.5 years. I am 35 years old. Doing ok with the liquid. I would go through periodic sheds during certain seasons but I would rate the liquid satisfactory-. I ordered the foam in mid-October 2006 thinking it would be more convenient to use and maybe even grow more hair than I had. Have been faithfully using it and I am devastated as to what this stuff did to my hair in 6 months. I have lost so much hair and continue to lose hair. I would say that I lost 1/2 the hair on my scalp. I have used it according to the instructions and video on their website. I am switching back to the liquid hoping to gain back whatever I can. With gel and a hair dryer, my hair looked ok in October-I guess I should have been satisfied with what I had. After 6 months of the foam, I am praying to get back to where I was in October 2006. (Don't know what you got, til its gone) The foam was a total joke. If you are on the liquid and doing ok with it (not great-just ok) do not switch to the foam, just deal with the itching.


Experienced Member
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The foam is great, the signs of regrowth that I am seeing on my temples and hairline are amazing, I had a pretty big shed from it too initially but it will be well worth it in a few months.