Another Ill just leave this here.


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I love these shows.

Also a good example of the kind of low-life that mock bald people. I'm glad he got owned.


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Yeah the guys a complete waste of oxygen but just goes to show there are some people like that out there as Ucman claims.


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My Regimen
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s.a.f said:
Yeah the guys a complete waste of oxygen but just goes to show there are some people like that out there as Ucman claims.

UCMan should join the police force. That way he can antogonise NW1s.


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Would probably be hard to be offended by anything that peace of rotting meat says. :woot: I watch those shows occasionally, really goes to show just how stupid some people are.


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The thing is this braindead moron actually feels like his having hair makes him somehow superior to the two officers. And if you go to the comments left on youtube most of the people out there seem to agree. :thumbdown2:


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Children and adolescents love making fun of the Bald. Go anywhere where young people are likely to be and your bald head will be a source of amazement to them. "How come there's no hair on your head"? "Why are you bald?" "Have you always been bald?" "I would kill myself if I was bald" :mrgreen:

uncomfortable man

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The guy was drunk and beligerant but you know what they say about alcohol being a truth serum. If he was sober he probably still would have been thinking those insults but would have had the better judgment to keep his mouth shut. People are entitled to their misinformed, ignorant prejudiced opinions- they can think whatever they want because who's going to stop them? The problem is when certain people have a really hard time keeping those opinions to themselves when given the opportunity. But even when they do blurt out rude and hurtful comments they are still protected under freedom of speech, however inappropriate they are. I remember one night I was waiting outside of a pharmacy for my friend in the parking lot and these two assholes (probably drunk) walk by me and one of them started stoking his hair and says to me, "Look at all this hair I have. I've got so much I don't know what to do with it ha ha ha." There are always going to be assholes like this to contend with in this world.


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uncomfortable man said:
"Look at all this hair I have. I've got so much I don't know what to do with it ha ha ha."

ahhhh this would set me off easy!! :eek:nfire: :eek:nfire: :eek:nfire: :kaputt:
but id still shot-up and act nonchalant about it.. 2 reasons:
1 ) not giving that a-hole the pleasure of showing him it gets to me.
2 ) nothing good can come out getting into a brawl with these idiots.


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Maybe they should have burnt his hair off, right down to the root ;) i'm sure that would permanently make him bald?