another finasteride/sexual sides question


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So i've been on finasteride for about 6 months now. I first took about 1mg/day, and has quite some decreased libido, and couldn't get a full erection. After about a month, I decided to lower the dosage to 0.650mg. Situation is okay really, I can get it up, but not rock hard like i used to, and that's quite frustrating really. So here's the question: I've heard finasteride works juste as well on 0.2mg/day. Should I try lowering the dosage that much, or is 0.650mg the minimum required?


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Im losing patience with these posts. Take the recommended dose. Give your body time to adjust to the hormonal change. You changed your dose after 1 month. THIS IS WHY YOU CONTINUE GETTING SIDES! Everytime you change your dose your body needs to re-adjust to the hormonal inbalnce you have caused (unnecessarily).


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I actually think 5 months on the same dosage is being patient enough. The body has had time to adjust, it's clearly not happening. I'm sorry if these posts annoy you, then again, I'm not forcing you to reply. Thanks anyway.


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Experimenting with dosage is a major mistake if you want your body to adjust- unless you get UNBEARABLE sides.


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It seems within a 6 month time frame you have taken 2 different doses. This is why you are getting continued sides. If you just took the recommended dose and stuck with it, and understood that there could be temporary sides will your body adjusts you would be fine now and looking forward to some hair.


Established Member
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i kept my dose excatly the same through out, and kept getting sexual sides,and therefore had to come off, so the fact you say that he is getting sexual sides, because he is altering the dose, is not always the case, he may be getting sexual sides because that IS one of the side effects of taking propecia,

britannia he has the right to ask the question, what the f*ck do you think this website is for, if you dont like it, dont read it

the amount of british guys on here with there patronising sarcastic, know all comments, is unreal,

and im a born and bred londoner so i have the right to say that, and because its true !


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Another two people with under 50 posts saying Propecia ruined their lives....
