Andrew's Story


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I am an Asian Chinese from East Asia. Age 28.

I noticed hair loss when I was 26 years old, middle of year 2002. The first sign of losing hair is when I run my hand thru my hair, about 20 to 30 hairs would fall out. At that moment, I do not know anything about hairloss because my immediate family does not suffer hairloss at all. But later on I found out about hairloss from my mom’s extended family side. I am losing hair only at my crown and not my hairline

The first action plan I took was I asked my hairstylist about the condition of my hair because he has been grooming my hair for 5 years now. He did some analyzing and subsequently recommended that I purchase his special:-

1.JS shampoo and conditioner for damage and hair loss
2.JS hair energizer (alcohol base)
3.Hair thickening cream.

(This would official be my first topical regimen to battle hair loss)

I started this regimen from July 2002 to February 2003.

Then in the month of February 2003, I notice that my hair loss has worsened compared to few months back. Again, I notice loss only on my crown. I decided I need a professional opinion and went to my family doctor which was coincidentally a panel of the Hair Loss Society.

She checked my scalp and did not mention anything about MBP and prescribe Propecia for me. She said propecia was on offer and I took 6 months supply without hesitation. She did not mention anything about minoxidil.

I took propecia from February to July 2003 while maintaining my topical regimen as listed above. During this period, I was not losing much hair but unfortunately I am not having regrowth either.

August 2003, I decided to see my company’s doctor to get his advise on regrow. He did not even check my scalp and gave me a prescription for minoxidil 5%. He did not mention anything about committing to this product for life. At that moment, I was naïve and started on regaine almost immediately.

This would have been the biggest regret of my life!!! I cannot believe how medical institution can release such big moron with the only duty of prescribing without diagnosis.

September 2003- upon completing my first bottle of Regaine and knowing how expensive it is… I decided to stop completely. Also another contributing factor was because I went on surgery for my ACL reconstruction.

November 2003 – I am still on propecia and continuing with my initial topical regimen. Suddenly, I notice my hair has thinned all over. This would officially be the darkest day in the hair loss history. I panicked big time, could not eat and could not sleep. Then, I started researching online with regards to my hairloss situation. The first web forum I went into was HAIR LOSS

I was truly enlightened by the amount of information I get from this forum and it hit me that my hair thinned out because I stop Minoxidil.

Almost immediately knowing this fact, I started what they so called the BIG 3, finasteride/ MIN/ nizoral. Finesteride, Minoxidil and Nizoral.

I ordered from Dr. Lee, the ppg free minoxidil. At that moment, I ordered half a year supply without hesitation because I was DESPERATE. Now, as my story is being published, i still have 5 unopened bottle left expiring in January 2005

During the time I was on the Big 3 for a month, I was surfing the net religiously, login in 24/7 to absorb all information possible. A month into my big 3 regimen, with the vast amount of knowledge I accumulated… I notice 2 most interesting article….

1. There is article that says, DO NOT start Minoxidil unless you have male pattern baldness. I think I don’t qualify as having male pattern baldness as, my hairline, my temple are in perfect shape… only my crown is thinning….
2. There is another article about ROGAINE CONTRAINDICATED Basically stating that minoxidil will lose it’s effectiveness after 12 to 18 months of usage… and the shedding will be severe….

Base on the info I got and the fact that I am only one month into restarting minoxidil, I did something very drastic….

November 2003, there is a new treatment that was being launch by Lion Japan called Innovate that utilized 6-benzyl aminopurine to stimulate BMP and EPHRIN that will enable hair to grow. I jump on this band wagon and completely stop minoxidil. I apply INNOVATE twice daily.

December 2003, I included T-gel with Coal Tar extract and Green Tea Shampoo, alternating between these 3 shampoo daily. Also, I shampoo my hair twice daily.

January 2004, I will update on the 6 week mark on Innovate. I notice that my hair is thicker significantly… however, I did not notice any regrowth. I am actually quite surprise that my hair is thick because upon stopping minoxidil for the second time, I thought my hair will go to hell!!!.

February 2004, I am still using:-

Innovate 2 x daily
Green Tea Shampoo
6 cup green tea daily
1.25 mg proscar
250 mg saw palmetto
15mg Zinc

However, I am getting very bad review from people using Innovate that it does not aid in growing hair, therefore I added folligen and T-flavanone together on the 1st February 2004. I am using all three item at the moment.

It’s still too early to gauge the effectiveness of folligen or T-flavanone. Anyway, if something do indeed work, I will not know which 3 product is giving result.

However, I will do my own trial and error to ascertain what is working for me.

My review:-

I would like to add my own opinion on this hair loss issue. I have spent countless hours looking for a solution and looking at myself in the mirror. Hair Loss is a disease and requires our daily attention, hence a commitment for life. I wish not to go wrong on my treatment, therefore education and information is very critical at my age. I will give these 3 treatment a try first, and will post any result If I am not getting the kind of result I am getting, I will jump to MINOXIDIL for sure.

Thanks for your time in viewing my case.

Please input if you have any opinion.


Just a quick thought.

You keep mentioning doing research and then, doing something impulsive and drastic. These two statements are curious and likely the source of much of your upset.

Some suggestions:

-Calm down, male pattern baldness is a life time conditon.

-There will ALWAYS be impressive sounding treatments coming out. Most dont work.

-Don't be a guinea pig. Wait for someone else to try it.

-Stay with a plan long enough to know if it will work.

-male pattern baldness can effect itself in crown loss only. That is how mine started. It USUALLY progesses to hairline but may not do so right away.

-Don't buy this anti minoxidil hype. I have been using it for going on 20 yrs and it works. But like other treatments, only as long as you take it.

So, listen, it is just your hair. Get a hobby, workout, martial arts, etc. Cultivate something and just stick to solid regimen for a solid amount of time.

Oh, and good luck.


You'd probably grow more hair by dropping the Green Tea, Saw Palmetto, Innovate, and Zinc ... and just adding Rogaine.

The clinical data has proven this. Don't ignore it and listen to pseudo scientists on other web sites. Admin
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good luck Andrew! i would suggest giving the Scalp Exercise a try too .Some doctors just tell their patients to take propecia and minoxidil without telling them its a life long commitment. That really irritates me! I stay away from chemical treatments as long as i can..and so far..The SE seems to be working for hopefull i will never have to use Propecia or minoxidil or can slow down my hairloss for 5-10 yrs till a cure comes out


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2nd post

Hello people i am back,

after writing such an extensive story of myself I laid low for a while and now i am back to report my result and my regimen update...

I am doing so upon reading CASSIN's recommendation that i refresh my own story....


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2nd update

I am so sorry for such a late update...
I need to work and too many dateline to meet....
however, I will update my regimen periodically....

From my last post, I want to add that I have included a few new item into my regimen....

1. MSM - I got myself 2 months supply of Nature's Farm (powder form) MSM. I started taking this since 10th March 2004. I take it after dinner around 7.30 pm.

I mix it with a cold glass of milk and gulp it all down.. I am taking 5 gram daily... I have to say it is really awful to drink!!! but after 2 weeks of bitterness.... i got use to it now...

A little note of reminder to myself and anyone... I recently found out that GNC is selling Lignisul brand MSM... which is one of the best quality MSM availble... I will be trying GNC out once i run out of my current supply of MSM...

It is still too early to give any result because I am only 2 weeks into this regimen... but I am seeing old rashes scar around my body to disappear!!!! This is because, sulfur is also known to be liver detoxifier... I guess, MSM is also cleansing my liver... YAHOO...

2. EMU oil

My wait for Skin Biology's EMU oil has finally arrived. Their EMU OIL is not the same as others because they included topical fatty acid and also saw palmetto into their version of emu oil...

My first impression on this product was, it's a very small bottle for USD 25!!! i think it will only last me 2 months... It's VERY VERY oily. Initially i have problem applying it, but now i just use old regaine dropper to apply on my scalp and let gravity do all the work...

I started EMU OIL on the 16th March 2004. I apply T-flav first, then folligen then Emu oil.... Of course this will only be applied in the evening/before bed...

Ok for now... my next update will be on the inclusion of He Shou Wu, Flax Seed and also Saw Palmetto


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note to myself, today I officially started minoxidil 1x daily


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biotin and beta sitesterol

note to my self.

I just got my biotin and beta sitesterol from vitamin world today...

will be taking biotin after breakfast and beta sitesterol after lunch


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ultimate regimen

My super duper ultimate combo:-

- distilled water + he shou wu 2 gram(internal)
- T-flav
- minoxidil 5% (occasionally)

Mid morning
- 1000mg biotin after breakfast
- beta sitesterol 160mg before lunch

- 750 mg Vitamin C after lunch
- 1000mg flax seed tea time
- 2 gram he shou wu tea time

- MSM 5 gram after dinner
- T-flav
- minoxidil 5%


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I am just wondering where did you buy your Innovate? and do you think it is helpful? Let me know...


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I have similar rem to You.
Tricomin solution helped me