And the journey begins...


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I'm turning 19 on December 30th and have finally decided to do something about my hair loss but I really have absolutely no clue on where to start.

Here are some pics of how my hair used to be and how my hair is now.




I really wanna even out and lower my hairline to make it more like a straight line rather than the M shape that it has now. My main goal is to fill in my temple area with hair.


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Hey Felya, welcome to hair loss talk!!

Firstly, its good to see you caught your hair loss early. I would suggest using propecia (finasteride) to stop further loss. I see you want to fill in your temples, this is the hardest area to regrow (but never say never). Look into minoxidil for the temples, also to get the straight hairline, a hair transplant is usually required. I think you should give propecia, minoxidil and nizoral shampoo a go, and see how things go from there.


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a lot of times, that hairline is just natural maturization, along with male pattern baldness, really nothing can regrow it totally besides a transplant (as mentioned) but usually osmething that aggressive does not look normal either


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The thing is the hair on my head is pretty thick. It tends to grow very afrolike when I grow it out a little bit. THe only thing that's bothering me is my hairline.


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You are receeding. This is how I started out. Your best bet is to get on finesteride. You may still lose more at the front but hopefully it will stop the rest from going.


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Felya said:
I'm turning 19 on December 30th and have finally decided to do something about my hair loss but I really have absolutely no clue on where to start.

Here are some pics of how my hair used to be and how my hair is now.

I really wanna even out and lower my hairline to make it more like a straight line rather than the M shape that it has now. My main goal is to fill in my temple area with hair.

Your hair type seems to be like mine, but what I am amazed at is the amount of recession you have at the temples compared to myself and I am about 6 years older than you. I probably have slightly thinnner hair on top however. When did your hair loss start for you to have such recession at only 19 years of age?


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I looked like him at age 17. I'm not sure exactly when mine started. I was a full NW3 at age 20.

There is a small chance if you lost your hair recently, propecia may grow it all back. It has happened to a few unusually good responders.

As for a lowered hair line looking unnatural, that is BS. Did your first hair line look unnatural? No. So neither will a transplanted one. But it takes a lot of planning to give it the right shape. If you have dense donor hair, and only have to fill in the front like that, you can get your old hair line back. But it will use at least 2/3 of your donor hair if you want full density.

BTW, you are a NW2. And as for natural maturing of the hairline, male pattern baldness is natural too, but that does not mean we want it. I don't know if something else causes that initial receding, but if you can regrow enough on finasteride, you won't need as many grafts. I say put it where you want it, not where nature moved it to. And grafts take 6 months to grow out and over a year to fully thicken, so that is comparable to finasteride's time frame, so you might was well give finasteride a go first and see if it works.


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dark_one said:
Your hair type seems to be like mine, but what I am amazed at is the amount of recession you have at the temples compared to myself and I am about 6 years older than you. I probably have slightly thinnner hair on top however. When did your hair loss start for you to have such recession at only 19 years of age?

I think over the last 3-4 years. It's been pretty gradual since I was about 15 or so.