an encouraging 3 month Update


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26 yrs old...was balding very noticibly..thinning all over and a bald patch on the back of my head about the size of a palm, a lot of thinning in the temples , but my hairline seemed to stay the same as it was when I was 19. There was still hair on my bald spot but it was so fine and thin that you couldnt tell. I was nervous to start finasteride/minoxidil 5% since I read so much on here about shedding and hair actually getting worse. I finally decided that since I was noticably balding anyways the tradeoff was worth it. Another thing is that I used to shampoo like once every 2 weeks if that because I thought that it made my hair look thinner and that it looked better if unwashed. For 3 months i've been shampooing every second day. By the way, I read somewhere that laryl sulfates in shampoo DO actually thin it, so you should check the contents. I also use grape seed extract.
Anyways, I think that my hair is a little bit thicker and more certainly looks better in the mirror than when I remember, but it could all be psychological. I also noticed a lot of tiny velus hairs over my right temple at about week 6..they're hard to see, but maybe they'll sprout into healthy hair which would just be a bonus. They haven't yet. The one definite, no doubt improvement has been my crown, it has filled in almost completely and seems to be getting better daily. There a just 2 very tiny (smaller than a penny) spots up there, but i clearly see dark dots there, as if hair will grow out. I used to turn my head in the mirror and be able to see baldness. Now, its barely noticeable at all. In fact, I used to have to shave my head with the lowest possible level to even conceive fooling someone into thinking that I wasnt bald. Now, after such a short time it looks better when I let it grow a little. It's gotten so good that a girl at work asked me what I looked like with long hair and why I don't grow it. I told her that it was because its gotten so much thinner since high school, and she said "you're not losing it." Man,.....i mean...i was BALD and then this. Granted, she's not a hairline inspector like me but it still felt good to hear. Also my dad after seeing me for the first time in 5 weeks kept staring at my crown and turning my head side to side he was so impressed. He made the rest of my family come and take a look All in all, my hair still looks like sh*t and most of the people I;ve seen on this sight have a lot more than I do so I hope this post was encouraging. I have had noticeable improvement in a relatively short time.

I see a lot of negative posts on this forum so I thought I;'d post a possitive one cause those are the ones that helped me to get started. I didnt take pics because like most people, actually SEEING your baldness makes you feel that much worse, so I avoided taking pics and I was so skeptical about any improvement.

PS: please don't ruin this for me by saying something like "the same thing happenned to me and then i lost it all over night and grew breasts"..I have so little (major women problems that arent hair related) and this has made me a little happy (relatively speaking). SO um..let me have it ok?


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I hope it continues to go well for you.

I'm going to join a gym next week and try to sculpture myself a muscular body. Think about it this way, we're so hung up on our hair that we think if only we had a full head of hair we'd be the best looking guys in the world, we could get any woman (or man, if you swing that way) that we wanted. But in reality think of all the guys out there with full heads of hair who can't get a woman either.


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In my particular case, right now, I can safely say 100% that the problem I'm having with my woman has NOTHING to do with my hair. Thats just an excuse people make. I agree with you about working out though...rather than sit in my appartment all day wondering if this girl will call back i lift weights. That way instead of thinking about somethign and being depressed about it, I can think of something and actually make myself look a little better and hopefully feel better. Diet and excercise ia a great alternative to depression. The hair thing is just a nice bonus for me.


It will be a roller coaster ride thought. I have had great progress up to the six month mark and then I noticed a downward slope. But things seem to be picking up for me again.

Just stick with it as it sounds promising from what you have said. finasteride does work and there is a lot of proof on this site.