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A quick update to my Aminexil treatment.

It's been 2 months since I started the treatment and a 2-3 weeks since I finished the intensive course.

For the last few days, I've been shedding unusual amount of hairs. I didn't experience shedding on this scale even when I was on minoxidil. Anyway, I have two theories for my shedding. It's been about 4-5 months since I stopped using minoxidil, so I might be losing my minoxidil dependent hairs or Aminexil is working.

I somehow don't think I'm experiencing post-minoxidil shed. I have seen some of the literature on the subject, and I think minoxidil dependent hairs are lost more gradually over a few months and not through synchronised shedding period.

Because my shed started very suddenly and it coincided with 2 months of the Aminexil treatment, I'd like to think the shed I'm experiencing is similar to the initial minoxidil-shed, ie Aminexil kicked my follicles into action and some hair follicles went into premature resting phase to give way for healthier hair.

Otherwise, there has been no major change in my "cosmetic appearance". My individual hair strands are healthier but that could be due to many factors, ie nizoral, vitamins, etc.


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Jojje said:
anything new to ad now ??


Hair is the same as in the last 2 years, no major cosmetic changes. I'll probably buy Aminexil again and apply it every 6 months.

I'm gonna do it differently the next time. I'm gonna use 6ml vial over 2 days. I think 6ml was designed for people with long hair, and after a month all that alcohol was getting too much for my scalp.


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Hi, today I bought a shampoo called Vichy Dercos Energising Shampoo with Aminexil, I am going to use this shampoo in combination with the other aminexil cure. Have anyone tried the shampoo?