AMFF's Story and Start of My finasteride Journey (M-29, 0.625mg/d)


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Hello Everyone -

After 2 years of deliberation to start Finasteride or not I started Proscar (0.625mg/day - 1/8th tablet) last Saturday with the hope of slowing my hairloss at the crown and (fingers crossed) getting some re-growth.

My battle with male pattern baldness was noticed 3 years ago in 2008 when I was 26. I was getting ready for a wedding and in a double mirror for the first time could see my crown through a thinner hairline. After this I became fixated with noticing it in double mirrors, when under halogen lights, or at the hair dresser.

Like many on here, I looked on forums, read up on options, and wanted to "Fix" the situation as quickly as possible as the fear of going bald well before my time terrified me. Two of the options I read about time-and-time again were Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar). I have never been a fan of medication, not even when I have a bad cold, so the thought of either regime didn't really appeal so I started to use "natural" more "risk free" options like Nioxin, Nizoral, and supplements like Omega 3, Flax Seed, and Vitamins in hope of slowing things down.

Shortly after, I met with my Family Doctor who confirmed that I did indeed have Genetic male pattern baldness and showed the scale of where I could expect my future to be. My doctor recommended that there was no real "cure", but if I wanted to slow the progress especially in my 20's / 30's that Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) were the best options and wrote me a Prescription for both. Further research on both medications made me terrified for the potential side effects, however, I was convinced that Minoxidil was less threatening as it wasn't a hormone changing agent would be a better start than nothing.

In January 2009, I started using 5% Minoxidil 2x per day religiously for about 16 months until May 2010 when I noticed a drastic change in my libido. I immediately associated my lower libido to Minoxidil so after 16 months of slowed thinning and some re-growth I actually stopped "cold turkey". For the first few months my hair was the same, kept the re-growth and no further loss, then in September I really started to thin and shed - likely due to returning to baseline. The interesting thing though was that even with stopping my treatment, my libido didn't increase which when I stepped back a moment and looked and the change of events in my life in the timeframe, it was largely stress not medication that caused the change (New Home, New Job, Started my MBA, Was Getting Married. . . ). Minoxidil had no side effects and most definately didn't affect my libido. The reason I am mentioning this will be explained later in this note as most people are terrified of sexual side effects of hair loss treatments.

Up until about a month ago, I noticed that my hair thinning slowed again from the Minoxidil and started to fill in slightly more, but kept noticing the forming "bald spot" on my crown so looked into a Hair Transplant option to avoid chemicals completely and "fix" the problem for good. The surgeon I met with was amazing and very helpful. He explained that I was not yet a candidate for a hair transplant as you need to see where the front nets out. If they took donor hair and filled in my crown, but then with time the front went back, I could be left with an "island" as he called it which would look pretty silly and although they could fill in again, they don't like to take "two donor incisions" so suggest to use chemical treatments until a bit older and then re-evaluate.

The surgeon asked me if I was or had considered Finasteride (Proscar / Propecia). I explained I had a script for two years in my desk, but was terrified to fill it and take it due to the potential side effects. I had explained I was using Minoxidil, Nizoral, Nioxin, and a series of multi vitamins including Saw Palmetto and Evening Primose Oil which naturalists swear supplements chemicals. He corrected me by saying - nothing in the market can stop Genetic male pattern baldness - the only thing that can slow it is Finasteride which actually prevents DHT from blocking hair follicules which ultimately stop your hair from growing permanently. He said that Minoxidil was good, but it works really well with Finasteride as Minoxidil keeps hair in a "Growth Phase", but Finasteride helps hair grow and grow back so the two are a power combo. Nioxin and Nizoral can't grow hair back, but can help keep your scalp in the perfect growing condition for the two medications to work their magic.

Again I mentioned side effects - I feared sexual effects, depression, Gynecomastia . . . He mentioned side effects are less than 2% and placebo effects were similar at 2% showing that most side effects are low and can easily be "masked" as side effects due to the "placebo effect" the mind plays - especially with sexual things like libido, erectile dysfunction, etc . . . He explained to me that sex is all about confidence - if you aren't thinking the right way it will affect performance, and if you are worried about sexual side effects on a drug, it will absolutely mainifest itself in a real issue.

He assured me that the small dosage shouldn't affect anything and if it did most of the effects were proven to be reversible. At the end of the session he asked me to think about the following: (1) Over the past 2 years how much time, stress, and anguish have you been under worrying about your progressing hairloss? (2) How can you worry about side effects that you don't know you will have as you haven't tried the medication yet? (3) Lastly, if you could slow your hair loss down and potentially re-grow your hair would you?
Still not convinced, I sought the advice of my Family Doctor and Dermatologist both of which said the exact same things.

I am sure many of you are in the same boat, but I stressed so much about it, so thought I am going to give it a shot. Last Saturday April 9th, and after 2 years of deilberation, I finally picked up my script of Proscar 5mg (covered by insurance) and broke tablets into 1/8ths (0.625mg).

I joined this site to try to hear experiences of others. What I found was that many responders posted highly negative effects and experiences they had with Finasteride and it started to scare me thinking I made the wrong choice. I had done all the reading and will admit I was terrified of the side effects with others confirmed after I had started my step.

Fortunately I met a few great mates on this site who guided me in the right direction to not listen to everyone's negative experiences as literal. Controversly, finasteride could have sexual side effects, but even for people not taking any meds, sexual side effects are so strongly linked to the mind's thoughts. Take my Minoxidil example - my libido dropped significantly, I didn't feel the same sensations, and wasn't as interested - was it the medication? No - it was 100% stress related. Are there cases where people have been affected by Finestarade - absolutely, but trust in the fact it is a low amount 1-2%, the placebo is the same and Merck fills 10MM scripts a year for male pattern baldness and hairloss.

My Regime is as follows:
- Minoxidl 5% - 2x per day (morning / night).
- Finasteride (Proscar 1/8, 0.625mg) - 1x per day (at bedtime).
- Nioxin System 2 Shampoo / Conditioner.
- Nizoral Shampoo - 2x per week (5-7 min).
- Omega 3, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Calcium with Vitamin D / Zinc. MultiVitamin.
(NOTE - I was taking Saw Palmetto and Evening Primose Oil as suggested by naturalists, but really didn't see results from either so stopped).

My Experience Week 1:
- I had bloodwork done 2 days after taking finasteride and found out my Bilirubin count nearly doubled (35mg and regular scale is 1-18). Rather than panic, I did some deductive reasoning - I was taking Evening Primose Oil and Saw Palmetto as part of my regime which I didn't stop when starting finasteride - as a result all of these things can increase your Bilirubin, but all in all is harmless as long as you don't have other side effects).
- Slight increase in libido, intensity (again - I can't stress enough if you worry in this department you will have problems - sex is directly linked to positive mindset - you need to trust you are ok).
- Upper right burning / tingling chest pain behind the rib / breast bone - I was immediately concerned it could be onset of Gynecomastia which after a panicked visit to my doctor concluded that the pain / burning could be stress or exertion and nothing to fear at this point. Upon recall, I had stretched awkwardly earlier in the week to pick up something behind the Washer/Dryer which may have bruised / hurt my ribs.

It takes a lot of courage to start to fight something that bothers you and if you are like me it likely has and is causing you a lot of stress (the male pattern baldness or thinning). It can be stressful and overwhelming to start treatment due to the very polarizing experiences. Trust in your doctor's recommendation, trust in the support of positive people on this site, and know that by making the choice you are it is in the right direction from where you have been.

I will attach some photos of this week to track progress and encourage your support and similar stories if you too are starting this journey.




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Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Thanks for sharing. Good luck on your road to regrowth. You have the right attitude to go forward.


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Thank-you gents!

The temples haven't really been an issue just the crown area that you see.

Minoxidil has done wonders with stability.

Hoping 0.625mg finasteride will help fill in the crown a bit.

Appreciate the notes!



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Hi Everyone - almost done Week 2 and feeling good. Just received my 12 month supply of Minoxidil 5% from Minoxidil Direct (dot com) - quick shipping and great prices - a whole year supply for what I wa paying for 1 month at the pharmacy - I highly recommend it.

My chest pains have improved - pretty sure I strained it also have tension in my shoulders and back from stress (MBA and new job at work). You can easily see how people over react - the chest pains and fear it could have been Gynocomastia.
Also libido is still strong Week 2.

Funny thing I have noticed is that I am actually sleeping more peacefully but I don't seem to dream the same way. This isn't a good or bad thing just noticed it. Been feeling a little more tired but could be the workload and overcast weather in Toronto the past week.

Just wanted to drop an update.

Keep the comments, notes and support coming that's what this site is all about.



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Hey amff, glad to hear things are going well for you!

Did you get the rogaine foam or is it a more generic version? I may be interested in trying minoxidil, but its so hard to find in Canada.

Yeah, it can be easy to freak out over every little symptom you feel while on finasteride, since its all stuff you would have just ignored before starting on it.. I freaked out about gyno mself, but after almost 4 months my chest is exactly the same.

Ive actually heard a few people say the same thing about dreams. I've personally never noticed a change, but it may be caused by the sudden adjustment in hormones your body has had to go thorugh.

Im looking forward to seeing some progress! Good luck buddy!

BTW your crown looks pretty much exactly like mine did when I started on finasteride. Since you are catching it so early, I think you will have great results like I did!


Established Member
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Good luck!

I've been taking finasteride for over 13 years and it works! Today I'm 34 and still a NW2. No side effects whatsoever, maybe just some (minor) loss of libido.


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Thanks everyone!

@Wuffer - the Minoxidil is 5% solution it is branded Kirkland (Costco) and actually is made in Canada. Before the pharmacy was charging $40 for 60ml and Minoxidil Direct (dot com) provided 12 x 60ml Kirkland bottles for $59.95 USD which is a deal for us as the CAD is performing stronger.

Shipped and arrived in less than 2 week all legit. Great service as well. It came highly recommended from a hair transplant Surgeon and my Derm.

They also strongly recommended Merck finasteride (Propecia / Proscar) as opposed to generics.



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Hi Everyone -

It's now been (3) months since I started my journey with finasteride (Proscar) taking 1/8th a tablet or (0.625mg) each day. I just got back from a hair cut and over the past 2 months my stylist has noticed that my hair seems to be starting some new growth and is filling in thicker all over my head not just at the crown which was my main area of concern.

My Regime still remains as follows:
- Minoxidl 5% - 2x per day (morning / night).
- Finasteride (Proscar 1/8, 0.625mg) - 1x per day (at bedtime).
- Nioxin System 2 Shampoo / Conditioner.
- Nizoral Shampoo - 2x per week (5-7 min).
- Omega 3, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Calcium with Vitamin D / Zinc. MultiVitamin.

My Experience Month 3:

I have had virtually none of the side effects that terrify most people on this site. To name a few here are some things I have noticed:

- Slight increase in libido.
- Slight decrease in semen which is a bit more watery (doesn't bother me).
- Waking up at 2:30am most nights to have to use the washroom - not sure if this is related but maybe I should stop drinking a lot of fluids at night.
- Slight weight loss.
- No change to my atheletic performance playing sports.
- No change to my ambition / work performance.

If you have recently decided to take finasteride or are thinking of it you have to take a positive mindset and commit to it. It took me 2 years to start out of fear of side effects, and then the stress of losing hair bothered me more. Once I had started the negative energy on this site scared me even further, but thankfully there were good guys like @Wuffer and @Peapody who provided their success stories and have been an inspiration to me. That is my goal with posting these updates that I can counteract some of the negative energy with honest, positive results of the decision to take this medication.

It can be stressful and overwhelming to start treatment due to the very polarizing experiences. Trust in your doctor's recommendation, trust in the support of positive people on this site, and know that by making the choice you are it is in the right direction from where you have been.

I am attaching some photos at 3 months to track progress and encourage your support and similar stories if you too are starting this journey.




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Senior Member
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I too delayed my finasteride journey for 2 years because I was freaked out about the sides. I now have a thin/almost bald spot on my crown because of those 2 years.

I have few regrets in my life....but I would give anything to be able to go back in time and start finasteride at 22 instead of waiting until I was 24.


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@Rawtashk - thanks for your note. Keep with it and follow a Triple Treatment Regime:

1. finasteride.
2. Minoxidil which is super cheap from Minoxidil Direct (dot com).
3. Shampoo - Nizoral / Nioxin are good.

All work together and better results with all.

How has your progress been since you started?

Keep up the fight bro!



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doesn't look like you improved alot from the first photos to the last...I say give it 8 -12months before you see astonishing results..


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Hey dboy,

Thanks for your note and advice.

The first photos my hair was a bit longer and the 2nd had just been cut.

I agree there isn't a ton of difference but it does feel thicker and look fuller when it gets to the length of the first pic. Lights, flash, and mirrors also don't help when looking on angles.

Also can only really go by photos and comments from the hair dresser as I can't see my crown.

I am hoping for greater results with time and sticking to the regime,

Thanks again for your post,



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Your story makes me glad I'm on the finasteride. I also considered the minoxidil without the finasteride but after reading stories like this on here, I took the plunge into the big 3, guns blazing. Keep it up.