Am I losing hair or just worrying too much?


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i doubt that is the beginning of thinning, however if you want to be sure, go to a derm. if it is the beginning, get some propecia, if not forget about it. either way you'll be fine


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Re: You seem OK

arjun17 said:
Thinning at the crown usually (but not always) begins only after the temples reach a NW3 or so.

I don't think the Norwood scale is applicable to many cases of balding, since basically every male on my father's side who has hairloss (nobody on my mother's side has thinning) has a near perfect hairline with diffuse and crown loss.

But certainly, the creator of this post exhibits no clear signs of hairloss.


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I don't think I've had any receding on the front of my hairline, at least nothing I have noticed. My hair can be seen sometimes in certain light on my left side of my head, but I think that is due to a natural part in the hair because I've noticed it on other guys with short hair too. Maybe I'll get some pictures of the front of my hair. Actually, normally when I get a haircut I'll have them use the one clippers to "de-chunk" my hair because it's so thick in the front.

I was probably worrying too much, but there is some hairloss in my family so it's probably better to be aware and prepared than nothing at all. My grandpa has a bald spot on his crown but doesn't have much of a receding hairline so it's possible I got his genes. I don't think he started balding until he was in his 40s though. My uncle on the other hand has a bald crown and very thin hair in the front and has been losing it since his 20s.

What are these NW3, NW5 things you guys keep posting? I've never heard of it before.