Am I getting bald? 19 years old looking for opinions


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Hey, could someone give me an opinion about my hair line?
Do you guys think I'm starting to get bald?
I always had this strange lack of hair in the middle of my hairline, a big forhead and overwall bad hairline. I'm currently making use of Accutan for about 5 months and did some quimical procedures in my hair. I don't know my biological father, but I do know he was bald when he met my mother (he was 50 y). My grandfather on my mother's side has a head full of hair, and he's 75y.
Here some pictures of my hair with dates.
Sorry for any misspelling, english is not my first language.


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The pictures are small but look like you have thinning temples, you seen a dermatologist to confirm if you my have male pattern baldness?


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Unfortunately Yes but early stages. Have to get those struggling hairs extra focus & care to revitalize them.