am i defo too young


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All I'm saying is its not something to go into without first educating yourself on all the possibilities. And always always be cautious and very conservative. This is something young guys dont want to hear.


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really appreciae all the help guys ,think what im gonna do is visit a good hair transplant surgeon in the US to see what he has to say and let him evaluate my situation when he see's my hair ,obvious biggest worry is that the big 3 stop working or there effects reduce thats why i might hold out another 6 months to see where i am then. think i will still visit the US for advice before then and then fully make up my mind.

does anyone have any good suggestions for hair transplant surgeons that are well respected?

cheers again for all the help guys really has helped alot


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i completely agree with Eureka,BBallHead and person, stop listening to these older guys trying to tell you to be bald while your young and to wait...its almost like they dont want you to get a transplant because they're jealous and they want you to be miserable and bald like them..bballhead your theory makes perfect sense...we all know the fue transplants are costly but all were saying is this- you dont have to be young and bald and wait till a certain age for a transplant..yea your most likely going to have to play catch up be we already know thats in store for us.


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If you're going to play catch up with early onset baldness like that, using FUE (yields less than strip) will waste precious donor hair. So you might have to accept a bald crown instead of a thin one, later on. Maybe you'll have to accept bald sides, as well. (in case of NW7) I have toyed a little with this idea myself, but I fear that, without being on finasteride, I would just end up balding further even while waiting for the grafts to grow, so that I would never ever look like I have a full head of hair, anyway.


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what i was hopin in terms of the bald crown was that the finasteride and minoxidil might stay working in that area for quite a while ,so hopefully this area of the head may not be a problem.I have heard of guys that have been on finasteride alone for bout 10 years and have kept decent coverage especeially in the crown. i dont honestly like the thought of playing catch up its one of the things putting me off getting it done too young thats why i was wondering do any of you guys no bout anyone that has had long term results on the big 3 (i'm talkin 5 years or more), if i had that kind of success i would be less worried about getting a hair transplant so young as i might not need a second hair transplant for quite a while and by that stage hopefully there'll be better treatements even HM may be on the cards.

what do you guys think?

cheers again for the help.

oh ye and why are almost all the smileys bald its bloody depressin ,like its a mssage or sommethin ,at least one gives us some hope :hairy:


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would you not consider going on the big 3 ,i know its a personally decision but its what gives me hope when considering to get a hair transplant ,i think i'd be too afraid to get one without them


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All I'm saying is its not something to go into without first educating yourself on all the possibilities. And always always be cautious and very conservative. This is something young guys dont want to hear.

No a lot of us don't, however, and you are right, taking the conservative path is the correct one, and a lot of younger guys, want a full head of hair, the hair they had no so long ago, as you continue to bald your expectations change, suddenly an nw2 would be fine, then an nw3, so on and so forth.

But telling someone to just wait 10 years, when they are clearly bothered by their hairloss, when they are responding to finasteride and rogaine, I just don't see that as being realistic. Some people are bothered way too much by hairloss, and waiting is just not a healthy option.


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heretohelp said:

would you not consider going on the big 3 ,i know its a personally decision but its what gives me hope when considering to get a hair transplant ,i think i'd be too afraid to get one without them

I have already tried that. Killed my libido and I started to get signs of gyno.


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well then i guess its best to stay off it ,if you decide to get the hair transplant hope it goes well for ye


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I have already tried that. Killed my libido and I started to get signs of gyno.

Same think happened to be mostly, It didn't exactly kill my libido it did mess with it however, I still plan on getting back on it though, hopefully with some anti estrogen receptors or whatever for the gyno.


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I'm 23 and I'm pretty certain what my hairloss is based on my father and just how it's progressed the last few years - basically a bald spot Zinedine Zidane style. My hairline is fine really, and my back and sides are ridiculously thick so I've got a lot of donor area. I'd just love to fill in my bald patch.

Am I a decent candidate?


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Well if that is your situation then its not that bad to be honest and you could be quite lucky. I would recommend going to a good hair transplant surgeon or doctor first to make sure that your hair loss isn't due to an underlying illness or alopecia ect. Assuming that it isnt you should go on proscar 1/4 tablet a day along with rogaine on the areas that you are losing your hair. Luckily for you the crown of the head is the area that these products work best .I would recommend that you stay on them for at least six months then go back to the surgeon to take new photo's. If these tratments don't work then discuss with the surgeon your options for a hair transplant but given your age and your relatively small degree of hairloss you should benifit from them quite well.


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Oh I've been on both minoxidil and finasteride for 2 years now and they've not done anything to help :(