am i defo too young


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hate to admit it guys but am considering getting a hair transplant and im only 20 years old. i've been on the big 3 for the past year and a half and has been successful. i would estimate that i have bout 90-95% coverage of hair on my scalp but unforunately also suffer with something called body dysmorphis disorder which makes me extremely concious about how i look ,it even stops me from going to college ,going out most nights etc. i know i should wait at least 5 years but seriously depressed not only out my hair loss but other s**t as well and feel i need something in my life to go well soon. was just wonderin if i got the front of my hairline filled back to how it was say 2 years ago and stayed having positive effects on the big 3 do you think it would be possible to avoid having the negative efects of a hair transpleant so young. i really do have only a tiny amount of hair to transplant but know the hair behind it could fall out in the future which would look ridiculous.

Anyway does anyone think its worht the risk ,keeping in mind my success on the big 3 and also the possibilty of a breakthrough cure or at least somethhing better in (hopefully) the near future. would reall love to hear back from u guys especially from people in my position who have had a hair transplant.

sorry no pics


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I would advise against a hair transplant until you are at least into your 30's, by then you will know how aggressive your hairloss is, stay on the meds and hope they work out for you.


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if none of the medications work for you then go for the fue transplant so that way in the future if your hairloss gets worse and you dont want to keep up with it and you want to shave it then you can without a ridiculous scar..but just know that if you are unsure where your hairloss is going to end up then you might have to keep going to get many transplants,,if you have the money and you want the hair then thats the best choice,but theres no reason to wait to be bald to do something about it,,thats ridculous,,but thats what sucks about being young and getting never know which direction ur hairloss is going to you'll just have to keep going back if it gets worse...


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cheers for the advice guys ,still not sure what im gonna do but will keep your thoughts in mind

any other ideas are more than welcome


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20 is too young its not worth going for surgery until your at least nw3. (Unless of course your about 45 and have been nw2 for the last 15 yrs with no further loss.)
You've got to distribute your donor efficiently too many guys use up half of theirs at a young age on a low dense hairline (Armani) and are then screwed a few years later when they dont have enough to cover future loss.


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cheers S.A.F

Do you think it is likely that the big 3 will stop working causing future hair loss ,have had good results so far whic makes me interested in a hair transplant but there is the obvious worry that it will stop working in the future causing the need for more surgeries to help the problem


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Who knows some long term users on here claim to have maintained for 10+ yrs. But at 20 you need to be sure that you've stopped it for at least a few years before thinking of about a hair transplant.


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20 is just too young. i was 27 and I thought that was young. I lost more since my 1st and have had two hair transplant's since. I would wait at least 5 more years, HM may even be an option then.


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yea but if you have the donor hair then it makes no sense to tell him wait until your a Norwood 3 to get a transplant...why look bald and ugly when your young when your supposed to be enjoying life??if you have the money you can do both fue and strip..for fue they can take from the sides of the head also plus you can always do bht if you run out of donor,,,my main point is if your not in very very bad shape then you can always do something about it.


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And if you're only a NW2 it may seem bad but it really is'nt. You really cant afford to waste any donor so dont get anything done until you're sure of the longterm situation. What if you're headed for a nw7 at 30? Getting a low dense hairline at 20 would be a big mistake.


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yea well thats why its a risk that only he could take,,,but like i said with the fue procedure if things dont work out then you can always shave your head,,but lets just say he does get a fue procedure done and it can hold him off for 10yrs+ with the meds then at least he maintained his hair while looking good for a long time...also in 10 years there has to be something else out by then..again it just gets me upset when people say wait until your bald to get a transplant..why do you have to be young and bald???.you dont have to choose this way...


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I completely agree pmill; Go for the transplant man, there is a guy on this forum that got one at 18 and I respect his decision for doing this. Get the transplant (my opinion is go for Dr Feller), enjoy your hair, enjoy your life, enjoy the girls. By the time your hair will start falling out HM will be available and even if it isn't go for the second transplant, by this time HM is bound to be out. If it isn't you probably won't care anyway coz you would be happily married with a beautiful wife and kids. You will be 30 and you can say: 'I looked good in my 20s.'


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person said:
I completely agree pmill; Go for the transplant man, there is a guy on this forum that got one at 18 and I respect his decision for doing this. Get the transplant (my opinion is go for Dr Feller), enjoy your hair, enjoy your life, enjoy the girls. By the time your hair will start falling out HM will be available and even if it isn't go for the second transplant, by this time HM is bound to be out. If it isn't you probably won't care anyway coz you would be happily married with a beautiful wife and kids. You will be 30 and you can say: 'I looked good in my 20s.'

This is a risk. But in many ways its an educated risk, I guess you really just gotta hope someone like follica comes through with the goods within that 10 year time frame.


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person said:
I completely agree pmill; Go for the transplant man, there is a guy on this forum that got one at 18 and I respect his decision for doing this. Get the transplant (my opinion is go for Dr Feller), enjoy your hair, enjoy your life, enjoy the girls. By the time your hair will start falling out HM will be available and even if it isn't go for the second transplant, by this time HM is bound to be out. If it isn't you probably won't care anyway coz you would be happily married with a beautiful wife and kids. You will be 30 and you can say: 'I looked good in my 20s.'

Firstly knowing Dr Feller he would'nt perform on a 18 yr old he probably would'nt perform on someone in their early 20's. Armani on the other hand .... :devil:
Secondly how do you know HM will be out in 10 yrs time if you go back to pre millenium there were guys posting that it would definatly be here by 2003. I'm not getting my hopes up for it coming out in the next 10 yrs HM is'nt the first 'miracle' cure and probably wont be the last.
Maybe it will but maybe it never will and in a year or two we'll all be looking at something else that promises to be the next big cure.
How many times have I heard guys say "If only I can keep my hair until 30, I wont care after that because I'll already be married ect..."
Trust me it soon comes around and if you are bothered about hair at 20 you'll still be bothered about it at 30/40/50 ...
If you've lived as a bald man you know what hairloss is, not nw2 recession or a bit of thinning yes get a hair transplant at 20 and you'll love it for a year or two then you'll want more and by the age of 23 it possible you'll have used all or nearly all of your donor and still be losing ground to m.p.b. You'll have another 50 yrs to regret it.


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cheers for the advice guys

I defo agree with the logic behing s.a.f's way of thinking ,i've done quite alot of reading and do understand the posibilities that i face when gettin a hair transplant so young and i know that i will care bout my hair when i'm 30/40/50 etc. And honestly i cant say that the big 3 has defo stopped my hairloss ,for sure it has improved it in comparison to what i was like at 19 no doubt but my hair is slightly thinner behind the hairline ,it always was but i am unsure if it is getting worse. The hairline is still the same but its really the hair behind im worried bout . I recently started applying the minoxidil slightly further back to see if it will help but the photo's from 6 months ago to now look the exact same -maybe its just in my head. Anyway am thinking to go to America just to get a second opinion but want to go to someone that is honest and known fo outstanding work not just someone looking to take my money ,would this guy Feller but a good option

Oh ye what HM - sorry dont know all the lingo I'm new

cheers for all the help so far guys


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HM- Hair Multiplication. It is hopefully the next step to hair transplant. The idea is to take few hairs from donor area and using stems create more (multiply) so one would have unlimited donor hair resistant to male pattern baldness. I honestly think its no more than 10 years away, but I still would wait at least 5 years. i also take pics every 6 months and compare/contrast, and also to bring to an hair transplant Doctor to show how agressive hairloss is. Help for mapping future loss


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I've been to a hair transplant surgeon twice in the last year (6 month gaps) the second set of photo's after i went on the big 3 showed good imrovement ,i'm currently an nw1 only slight recession in the front. I am thinking of getting these photo's from the surgeon and bringing them to maybe doctor Feller in the US to get a second opinion. Would love to be able to wait 5 years to be safe but am feeling way to down at the minute due to loads of things that i am leaning towards the risk unless. Having said that no where near made my mind up yet and coould still be easily convinced by a hair transplant surgeon to wait. this HM thing does make me feel slightly more optimistic though ,i'm guessing its got to do with follicle cloning.

cheers for the help pal- much appreciated


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I never understand this, Whenever a young guy wants to get a hair transplant, he's told to wait until he's 30...and what exactly is he supposed to do for the next 10 years? Yes there are risks, But theres always risks to a hair transplant, Who even knows how long your going to live, we drop like flys. By the time your 30, you should have some sort of life going, Your less likely to have 10 grand to spend on your hair when you've got bills to pay, and maybe a family to care for.

All this talk of long as he gets fue he doesn't end up some scarred mutant. He also said he responded to the 3, So his hairloss is no longer progressing.

If he gets one he's accepting the fact that in 10-15 years, his hairloss, if finasteride stops working, will progress to the point where he doesn't have the donor hair to cover it, so he will have to shave his head, that's it, he doesn't suddenly turn into a mutant, he simply has to shave his head.


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I'm also 20 and considering a hair transplant. I've been researching for quite some time now and I've fortunately learned to ignore all of these bitter guys that say wait until you're 30 and bald for a hair transplant. Utimately, its your decision and if you do your homework and go to a good surgeon you wont end up looking like a "mutant" down the line. I believe the key is to stay conservative since you are young, and keep in mind the possibility of future hair loss. If you go to a good surgeon, then the worst case scenario is that when all your donor hair is used up you are forced to live with a thinning/bald crown. By no means is this an unnatural or bad look to have. I've seen plenty of men with thinning crowns, and it looks just fine. And I'll tell you one thing - it's gonna be much easier to accept a thin crown 10 years down the line when all your donor is used up, then to go through your 20's watching your hair dissapear, just waiting until your bald to do something about it. So do your homework and go to a good surgeon who is looking out for your best interest and set up a plan for dealing with future hair loss. Yes, you will probably need more than one procedure done, but most patients do anyway. Hopefully the meds will continue working for you.
I like to stay optimistic about the future of HM - you never know, it could be here in 5 years. I certainly wouldnt count on it, but it is a possibility! :punk:


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I completely agree with the last two posters. I can bald or I can blad slower by spreading all my lovely donor hair over my DHT non-resistant areas through FUE. I perfer the latter of these options.