alternatives to rogaine?


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idontwanttobebalding said:
Try using rogain 5% once a day. The results in the long term are only slightly less.... (about a third as a round estimate according to the research.) Also.... are you using foam or liquid?

thats a good point


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Exodus2011 said:
liquid. my financial situation is totally f'ed ( :dunno: man it's such a good combination trying to get a regimen while being poor AND only 18 AND still living with parents). I'm gonna get 5% foam later on. And yea I've had some irritation like hell. It just comes on randomly for some reason but when it does it's very intense itching and if i scratch I'll scratch until it's red and inflamed.

whoa slow down! Stop using it!


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I got all the side effects you mentioned....itching, red spots, etc.....The foam is good to use cuz you may be allergic to the liquid....Use nizoral 1 % least once a week....and also i shampoo with a tea tree shampoo which helps with the itchness


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dboy said:
I got all the side effects you mentioned....itching, red spots, etc.....The foam is good to use cuz you may be allergic to the liquid....Use nizoral 1 % least once a week....and also i shampoo with a tea tree shampoo which helps with the itchness

Nizoral CAN be the cause of those dots when using minoxidil


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Dang i had the same reaction, i switched to the foam, the sides didnt stop!!

look, get off the nizoral asap. you are allergic to it and if youll keep using it youll end up in the hospital!!!

i know its a b**ch but you gotta let go and let nature take ita course or youll get obsessed with it.
your still very young, by the time youll end yur collage they might come up with something effective.
thats all i have to say, good luck.


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Exodus2011 said:
well what could i replace nizoral with then?

if i knew id take it... if there was something effective we all would know about it, i guess RU but i hear its very costy...and im no expert, but what i know for fact is to stay away from nizoral if your allergic to it and personally i stay away from finasteride aswell, the risks just not worth it, there are too many people claiming permanent sides for me to overlook.

im 1.79cm ( i think 5''8 too?) and ectomorph physique like you, but i work hard at the gym, and although im almost bald i can assure you its not the end of the world, if you work on yourself it will be minor thing, it does sucks (im here too right:p) but the older i get the easier it gets ... evolve dude ;)


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i had exact same reaction to NIZORAL, the heart thing is probably common side for nizoral since im not the only one who complained about that and linked it with nizoral, so most likely its Nizoral.... good thing you go to the doctor !


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oh terribly sorry, i was writing nizoral all this time (its very early here 5 am... :\) i meant it rogain... your right (read my thread it was rogain not nizoral!! )

really should go to sleep :)

just change everytime i wrote nizoral to rogain.

edit 1: i remember now, i didnt had any sides from nizoral, rogain gave me swollen cheeks, heart rush feeling, and dandruff and itchy scalp. and extreme headaches

edit 2: that it, now i go to sleep, best of luck :)


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Im with finfighter! he is right, rogain/minoxidil sides are crazy, it doesnt matter if you switch it with foam or use lower dosage ( i used both liquid and foam the 2% version it didnt matter!)


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same here, *knock on wood* my family never had any heart problems, its usually genetic so dont worry, you can get yours check just to make sure but dont worry about it, when you quit with minoxidil the sides will go completely! :)


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My life without hair, is not a life. So I rather die trying. I rather poison myself to get hair in return, than live lifeless at home not wanting to go outside because friends will point out i'm going bald, girls rather see you with hair, and worst of all being young but going through a problem that usually happens when you're older.

Luckily finasteride doesn't give me sides, minoxidil gives me headache and itchiness and probably bloated face. Nobody can tell me to just let it go. Every body is different, every one reacts diff to their hair loss. Some are completely okay with it, some try doing something about it but stop when the going gets tough, others feel their hair is their life and never stop trying.

Don't mean to creep any one out, but that's just how I feel for now. Maybe as I get older I get more use to it and eventually let it go if there's no cure. But for now i'm young, so i'm gonna keep trying. Although I must admit, if I was getting chest pains, I would stop. I said i'd poison myself with these drugs if it meant getting hair back, but I will not go through pain for hair.


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Exodus2011 said:
JimmyNeutron said:
My life without hair, is not a life. So I rather die trying. I rather poison myself to get hair in return, than live lifeless at home not wanting to go outside because friends will point out i'm going bald, girls rather see you with hair, and worst of all being young but going through a problem that usually happens when you're older.

Luckily finasteride doesn't give me sides, minoxidil gives me headache and itchiness and probably bloated face. Nobody can tell me to just let it go. Every body is different, every one reacts diff to their hair loss. Some are completely okay with it, some try doing something about it but stop when the going gets tough, others feel their hair is their life and never stop trying.

Don't mean to creep any one out, but that's just how I feel for now. Maybe as I get older I get more use to it and eventually let it go if there's no cure. But for now i'm young, so i'm gonna keep trying. Although I must admit, if I was getting chest pains, I would stop. I said i'd poison myself with these drugs if it meant getting hair back, but I will not go through pain for hair.

those are EXACTLY my thoughts lol. It started when I was 17 and makes you feel like you are prematurely old. :shakehead: Yeah, minoxidil may not be working but I'm definitely getting on other medications. Also how old are you? What is your hair loss pattern? What dosage of finasteride r u on?

Sorry for my long post but you should read it:

I'm 22 and same here I started seeing slightly receding hairline as early as 15, nothing much though, it was at 16 that it really started when I was playing baseball everyday under the sun, I don't know but my theory is that the sun sped it up but it didn't cause it[hats don't cause hair loss it's just a myth]. Or it could have just been a coincidence that my hair loss started at the same time I was under the sun a lot. Still nothing to really worry about because I had so much hair. From 16-18 it was pretty much the same. Then I would say at 19 it really kicked in and got aggressive. I'm on 1.25mg/day of finasteride, my hair loss pattern is the worse you can get which is diffuse and receding hairline, not at the same time, first I got receding then at 19 diffuse. I hope you find an alternative to minoxidil, I think i'm gonna try Tricomin just to see what ii does.

BTW I know you probably picture me as a NW7 considering when my hair loss started, but finasteride and minoxidil actually helped me out a lot. I went from in 2009 wearing a hat to go out to cover my hair loss, to wearing concealers in 2010, and now in 2011 I don't go out with anything at all. I use my own hair to conceal my hair loss, which I couldn't do 2-3 years ago. So the Big 2 has really helped me. But i've only been on it for 8 months, so it's not perfect but i'm comfortable enough to go out showing my ugly head around with no more comments about balding. Actually last night while watching WWE Raw with some friends, a friend who last saw me when I was balding, pointed out to me that i'm no longer balding and asked me what i'm using, he said now I just look like i'm only receding. If it wasn't for finasteride and minoxidil, I would have been a NW5 I think. Mind you, I started to use treatment late, you are just starting to use them now as soon as you saw your hair loss so you will get even better results than me.

Like you, i'm poor too and could not afford propecia and rogaine consistently and had no idea about generics. I was on Propecia and Rogaine 3months and 4months respectively, before I take like 2 month to regroup the money needed to buy them both, and by then I was back at square one, which was just wasting money. Generics really made my life a lot easier and allowed me to stay on meds consistently. So I know where you're coming from when you say you're poor, just go the generic route, they work the same as branded but i'm definitely staying on Rogaine foam, but will stay on generic finasteride. Again, sorry I typed a lot, hope this post helps you decide on what you want to do.


i become from minoxidil a high Bloodpressure
my last attempt
bevor 140/75 Pulse 70
after Apply 210/135 Pulse 140

Heartracing-Pain in my Lungs, become no air in my Lungs
my face get red and swollen-my ears ringing -Tinnitus
an d my Body burns from the Head to the legs!
i become chills-tremble

No minoxidil is my Dead



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Timi said:
Heartracing-Pain in my Lungs, become no air in my Lungs
my face get red and swollen-my ears ringing -Tinnitus
an d my Body burns from the Head to the legs!
i become chills-tremble

No minoxidil is my Dead


what is that ? A poetry?