Allergic reaction to Minoxidil solution?


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Hi guys, this is my first post on the forums, I'm 18 and have recently started using Hair A-Gain (minoxidil solution) to treat my receding hairline.

It is the same kind of solution like tradition rogaine, that is, an oil that you rub in your head, not the foam.

For the past month I was experiencing some shedding, but I've learnt that this is normal. Only recently in the past week however, I have began to get hives behind me ears, which has spread to my neck. When I saw this, I stopped (only 2 days ago.)

My question is, would this be an allergic reaction to the propylene glycol in the solution or the Minoxidil itself? The fact that it has taken a month for mysefl to develop rash, makes me believe that it's the minoxidil, however I recently started using a shampoo that also contains propylene glycol.

If it is the propylene glycol, I'l simply start using the Rogaine foam, but if its the minoxidil I'm reacting to, I will go on Finasterade.

Are allergic reactions to the two chemicals similar? Could hives develop from both?

Any help will be appreciated.