all over diffuse hairloss :(


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okay before i explain my hairloss i know i have a lot of hormonal problems but my endo says that my thyroid and things are fine...

my loss is all over including the sides and back and looks to me to be moving to areas that werent affected before.

the weird thing is in the areas where im thinning most it looks like there is thin pigmentless hair in those spots and instead of wet hair making it more noticable (soaking wet makes it look worse), if i add hair gel all over my scalp it makes the areas with pigmentless hair less see through ? maybe makes the pigmentless hair darker... im naturally brown/black haired.

it seems my hair is really easy to fall out like if i were to rub the hair or when i take a jumper off my hair and my eyebrows dislodge real easy.

any idea folks ?

From a medical point of view, i have a prolactinoma that my endo said reaked havok with my hormones, so was placed on hydrocortison oral and a dopamine antagonist and have been on both for nearly two years, and im supposedly getting better ?



Established Member
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Hi There,

How´s it going?

I'm a NW3 with now diffuse (wasn't diffuse until about a year ago). Tried shaving it and it was fine, but I'm now growing it in again, just to see how it looks.

My plan is to have almost a longer version of a high and tight look as my hair is diffuse mostly on top as well. Try keeping your hair 3 inches on top and shave the sides, doesn't need to be a 0 but keep them trimmed.. It gives off the impression of having more hair on top, and you needed worry about growing it out and it looking very thin/diffuse.

If you are unhappy about the hair on top being diffuse, you can use concealer for that and also if you shave the sides you needed worry about the sides being thin or having to apply dermmatch/toppik there.

all the best.


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hey thanks for the reply and funny enough i am sporting what was a 2 on top and 1 on the sides and it looked good in terms of a hair but didn't suit me face wise.

so basically what you gave m were tips to conceal or hide but im wondering what can be the causes and ways of treating it, lots of diffuse loss all over the top and sides and pigmentless hairs in its place. looks better when slightly wet than bone dry ?


Established Member
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Hey there,

have you read about Propecia or minoxidil? You can get minoxidil through Regaine-Rogaine in the UK and it's available in a lot of pharamcies now and then there's propecia which you need a subscription for, but you can get that over the net.

I'm probably in a worse position than you as it seems you've just got thinning, whilst I´m difuse and NW3.5.

I'm not totally sure I'll suit the 3inches on top and 1inch on the sides either, but it's my only option really.

You could try hair thickening shampoo or rogaine, and use concealer inbetween to help thicken out your hair, but I have no idea how difficult or easy it is to apply it to the sides..

All the best..

PS What did you not like about the hair on top and short and sides look? I think it sutis a lot of people as it's quite basic but it can also make a NW3 or so look NW1.5 or so. I thought my only hope was to shave it all off when I started to see the scalp and the hair at the side growing so thick, but there are options out there..
Do what you feel happiest with and live life.
I lived behind hats and caps for 3years and I regret it.


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You should go to a specialist because what you are suffering from does not sound like Male pattern baldness to me. It sounds like it's linked to some sort of issue with your hormones or endocrine system.

I don't think medication like Propecia (finasteride) will help you. But, I could be wrong.

I would try posting this on as they have a doctor or two who actually read the forums and give their opinions. Not sure if they have any of those on here.

Anyway, good luck. I hope it works out for you.