all is not lost


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Haven't been here for a long time. i used to post on here flat out under my original name neiltom88. Its been a long time since the golden days of Ty, Gunner and my hairlosshero The Gardener(my hairloss-hero).

Just wanted to give you all some hope and adviced for the future.

Some peopele never come to terms with hairloss, a lot of os take a while to get over the initial period of 'shitting our pants' and thinking we will be nw6 in 6 months. (trust me you won't)

For many people male pattern baldness is just a part of our complex lives that we have deal with gradually over time. It's so strangr for you new guys but trust me it really is not as bad as you think it is. male pattern baldness can f*** your life up badly, but only if you are weak enough to let it.

It really can hit you hard in the beginning but you have to try and just believe when I tell you that any girl/woman ever worth being with does not care if you go bald as long as you don;t turn into a gibbering wreck about it.

Stick with finasteride and the ,on and nizoral if it's convenient for you but do not ever let it rule your life.

At the end of the day. in almost all cases we have a fear of not being able to attarct the opposite sex, ba;dness will only have an initial effect upon this, and the people qho don't accept your appearance are not even worth the time of day. As harsh as it sounds, if you cannot generate any interest in the opposite sex at all you have an issue with your social skills, not your hair.

Some of you newer guys may see this as arrogance but it really is the truth.

If you live in the UK, post back and I;ll give you some tips on styling products for thickness.


Neil. xx

P.S I love your no-nonsense attitude, but i swear blind it wasn't me who posted all that gay sh*t.


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antonio666 said:
i choose death over accepting this $#iT

What can I say? You are such a sophisticated individual.


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It's not that simple when you are young and ALL guys have hair.
You'll always have something missing.

When you are older, that's true. It won't make any difference since it's normal at such age to go bald.

I could go bald at 20 like I am going, if people didn't treat me like a person who looks 40 having only 20.