All angles regime


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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Hi, first forum post
Need some advice, recommendations, criticisms ect.
Loss is primarily frontal I.e thinning frontal hair, receding hairline ect. Vertex not so bad, see,s to be mai ting although in a slightly thinned out state. Still experiencing frontal thinning and unsure why hence advice.

ru58841 30% pg 70% eth >> just changed vehicle to RED Ken stemox
applying 50mg across hairline and front scalp and some vertex. Although front is still thinning though I've noticed hardly any shedding?
minoxidil 15% mainly apply to vertex, 0.3 ml applied to hairline

oc000459 1% 0.01g in mow redken stemox applied to frontal area
castor oil 1ml to 1ml eth

thymosin beta 4 on and off just started again 2-5mg per week

i havent taken the Propecia plunge yet, although I'm am going to start in the next couple of weeks. From extensive reading across forums and a couple of studies I have found dht inhibition is the same at 1mg as it is to 0.2mg, do you believe I am missing an internal dht inhibitor, I was going to try 0.25mg e3d to EOD, Possibly even smaller as to 0.12mg of a dose as I believe it may just be a minor boost to help ru effectiveness.

On on top of this I have also being derma rolling 1x per week- 2 weeks applying lithium chloride 20mg

look homeslty being dealing with this since 16-17 now 22, deadset just to stabilise without being castrated would be great hey


- - - Updated - - -

I do apologise for the jaded undertone, this whole thing is actually exhausting, shaving it and dealing with it isn't really something I want to do at 22, thiugh I'm at the point now it's become noticeable, and letting it affect other areas of my life, so any criticisms, recommendations ect would be great, I do appreciate your time and Input


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Just take the 1mg every day that is proven to work by more than just one small study on a small number of men.


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finasteride for DHT inhibition.
RU for blocking androgen receptor.
OC for blocking DP2 receptor.
Minoxodil for growth stim, plus you've got wounding+LiCL enhancing activation of WNT.

Angles covered imo.


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Sounds like its about the best set of treatments that exist right now, but I still think finasteride is a critical treatment. Even with RU the finasteride adds the important internal angle of stopping androgens and has so much more proof it works its not even a comparison.
IMO it should be called the big 1 - propecia with rogain/nizoral as minor additions. I understand why a lot of people want to avoid finasteride though. Its not hard to see why, but I think today you need it still


My Regimen
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finasteride for DHT inhibition.
RU for blocking androgen receptor.
OC for blocking DP2 receptor.
Minoxodil for growth stim, plus you've got wounding+LiCL enhancing activation of WNT.

Angles covered imo.

Hey dench, how important do you think OC is?? Since I am going out guns blazing, I was thinking about adding it. That and seti.


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Thanks for the input!
I do agree about finasteride, it's unfortunate, though it seems to be the only current way to actually halt androgen sensitivity.
I will pick some up a prescription next week and try 0.125 EOD, taking every precaution.
Buck, OC and seti effectively do the same thing, as such you only need to use one as they both block PGD2.
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Why would someone want to use RU (or any other local androgen receptor blocker) if they are already using AA's such as finasteride or dutasteride?


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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Picked up my prescription of finasteride today, funnily enough, when asking the gp
His response "yes, yes, finasteride is good" like no idea about sides ect, said take the 1mg daily despite my suggestions of a lower dose due to its potency and effect on 5ar. Anyway, peculiar insight. Starting Su day 1/8 of the dose, continuing with topical regime. Will upload photos this evening.
On another note, swoop, I read through several of your forum posts and threads, solid Input mate. Your hair transplant has inspired me to start saving for one at the end of the year, early next year. I have a similar hairloss pattern to yourself, as such could semi-relate. Really awesome job, Mind if I pm you regarding some details of the operation and surgeon?



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Started finasteride today! cut 1mg pill into 6 pieces, dosing once EOD, then moving up to 0.25mg EOD and finally 0.5 EOD to everyday. To be honest, was wigging out majorly regarding this, and even went to test the waters later on in the afternoon only achieving a semi full erection. This was entirely psychosomatic, and really highlights the power of the mind. Im not discrediting the existence of side effects, but I was unable to achieve a full erection only hours after taking the finasteride which really highlights it was just all in my head. I found this article on reddit, it helped give me some perspective, although i still have some work to go:
I will making a photographic log of my progress that I hope to share with you guys.
Secondly, is combining RU 100mg every day with finasteride over kill? I know it really is dependant on the individual, though of collective experience, maybe dosing between 50-80mg everyday with finasteride every other day an ideal dose? Swoop, I understand you are doing a minimum maintenance routine at 50mg, In your opinion would 60-80mg per application be sufficient with finasteride every other day
Thanks :)


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I don't know what your goals are? Maintenance? Finasteride should be enough for most people to maintain on, so adding RU to that makes a very potent strong combination.. I don't use them together either, and do fine on both in terms of maintenance.

Just make sure you find a way to maintain man! You are planning for a hair transplant right maybe in the future?


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Finally got a new phone so could upload my current sitch!
Annoyed af, I wigged myself out about finasteride, just psyching myself out about it and just psychology inducing side effects, really irritating that I can identify that I'm doing it but can't seem to get over it.
Goals are maintenance first and foremost, followed by regrowth and thickening, standard haha.
Crown is still intact with some average coverage, but as you can see at the hairline is where it's most damaged, akin to your sitch swoop, which is why I got pumped about a hair transplant later! Anyway, might hold off on finasteride for a bit longer and just work my way up to it by sticking to positive forums ect, lower my ru dose when I start, I think 100mg of ru and 0.25mg of finasteride might have been overkill, thoughts?
Thanks for the input anyway.
Took a break for two days off all treatments just to get my mind off it, it can really get to you at this age.
Gonna jump back on 100mg ru in Neo tonight with OC and minoxidil.
In terms of a hair transplant, I understand stabilising is absolutely necessary, though do you think I have regrowth potential with finasteride? Followed by a hair transplant sometime next year hopefully!


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Been on finasteride for 1 month now
Week one 0.125 every other day
Week two 0.25 every other day to everyday
Week three 0.25 every day
Week four 0.5 every day

Been taking it at night with 4 ZMA caps by ultimate nutrition this gives me
13.5mg of vitamin b6
600mg magnesium
40mg zinc

Mornings I use topical stemox
Evenings I use 15% minoxidil at hairline and vertex

Every week to two weeks derma needle with 20mg lith at hairline

So far no sides, dropped the RU. I can't even say if I've had a lower sex drive to be honest I just wig out about been on finasteride, that friken website, get random bouts of anxiety but look nothing really so far.
Just a bro asking some advice or justification I Dunno, how do you guys ignore that little voice of anxiety associated with finasteride, like honestly I get millions take it ect, one persons bad experience tells 10 ect,
Was thinking maybe 0.5mg one day 0.25mg
Day two and alternate. The ZMA's help
Psychosomatically, sex drive has been up a bit Tbh.
Results Hair fall increased and decreased with the month, next two weeks going to reasses.
Any other supplements to take with finasteride as a safety precaution? As in general consensus ect, I wouldn't expect anyone to actually know but just anecdotal experience.
Thanks guys.
hope your all doing well with your regime.

- - - Updated - - -

Forgot to mention
Re adding OC topical & topical and internal castor oil.
If it means anything upon cessation 1 month ago, hair quality has not changed whatsoever, nor has regrow th around hairline.
I do recommend investing in automatic derma needler with lith chlro, WNT activation is effective.
I believe I have gained bare scalp regrowth of smaller hairs in areas that had been needled.


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It's still mad early but this sounds like a really solid regimen. I would keep going and maybe add twice weekly ketoconazole. My regimen, that I started April 6th is def "all angles" too:

finasteride .25mg daily
minoxidil (Rogain Foam & Lipogaine) EOD
Castor Oil 1ML Oral
Castor Oil + DMSO Topical nightly
Stemoxydine daily
Biotin oral supplement
Neocell Collagen oral supplement (4pills) daily
Temple wounding derma-stamp + LiCl EOW
Retin-A twice weekly (opposite week of wounding)
Deltacrin Spray (ordered, en route from Italy)

I get mad sides on finasteride so I am down to daily .25mg. I take it at night and find that that helps. No results yet but it's been just over a month and there's a good chance my .25mg finasteride isn't helping.

Looking forward to seeing your updates man.


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Regime includes nizoral 2% twice per week
Still haven't added the oc and castor oil yet
Hair consistency seems a little better
Should I have gone through a shed by now? If so I haven't experienced anything too noticeable, for about a week there I was loosing maybe 10 hairs a day but now I'll grab and tug, run my hands through my hair and get maybe 3-5 hairs, some other days I'll get 8-10?
Tress dreams: I've been reading up on finasteride a fair bit lately, been hella paranoid and cautious about it which is why I'm not going to take the full 1mg. I've found 0.2mg has the same effect on 5ar reduction for a week just as 1mg it's just the finasteride itself is metabolised within the 24hr period
What I'm saying is it's just as effective in preventing the conversion to dht. This implies a 0.25mg dose is just as effective. I'm going to see how this dose goes for 3
Months then drop to 0.25 or lower every day coupled with low dose of ru in stemox.
Regarding sides
Still wake up with morning wood sometimes
Although I don't know whether because it's hella cold right now but my dick in its flaccid state seems more limpish with less girth sometimes, although probably just paranoid. Try to abstain from having a toss, and have been able to get it up with a woman without any issues. Will report back if I get laid again this week.
Still taking the ZMA and grape seed extract, gonna get some vitamin E too to stop estrogen aromatose


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Regime includes nizoral 2% twice per week
Still haven't added the oc and castor oil yet
Hair consistency seems a little better
Should I have gone through a shed by now? If so I haven't experienced anything too noticeable, for about a week there I was loosing maybe 10 hairs a day but now I'll grab and tug, run my hands through my hair and get maybe 3-5 hairs, some other days I'll get 8-10?
Tress dreams: I've been reading up on finasteride a fair bit lately, been hella paranoid and cautious about it which is why I'm not going to take the full 1mg. I've found 0.2mg has the same effect on 5ar reduction for a week just as 1mg it's just the finasteride itself is metabolised within the 24hr period
What I'm saying is it's just as effective in preventing the conversion to dht. This implies a 0.25mg dose is just as effective. I'm going to see how this dose goes for 3
Months then drop to 0.25 or lower every day coupled with low dose of ru in stemox.
Regarding sides
Still wake up with morning wood sometimes
Although I don't know whether because it's hella cold right now but my dick in its flaccid state seems more limpish with less girth sometimes, although probably just paranoid. Try to abstain from having a toss, and have been able to get it up with a woman without any issues. Will report back if I get laid again this week.
Still taking the ZMA and grape seed extract, gonna get some vitamin E too to stop estrogen aromatose

where did you find that?


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where did you find that?

0.2mg is a bit low and wont really bring down the levels a whole lot... but will still take about 7 days to get your DHT levels back up to a week;
