Alejandro's Story - ( 27 / What The ....)


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Hi my name is alejandro, im 27 and from germany. In 2006 i started to recognize that the that the hair on top of my head was getting thin. I visited the doctor and he said that its male pattern baldness, i was shocked and like he said i started taking finasteride and minoxidil in 2007 i added Nizoral.
Thats what it looks like in 2006:

Now after 4 years of finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral it really is hmmmmmm take a look:

Sooooo i somehow have the feeling that i:
-can stop taking minoxidil, finasteride and nizoral cause it obv dont work
-maybe i do not have male pattern baldness, if i really have its so damn agressive it started with 24 and ill be totally bald before im 30

No one in my family, mothers and fathers side, had problems with male pattern baldness.

Just want to hear some comments on my status. Sry my bad english im writing this text with a dictionary in my hand.


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I can't see your second image so I can't say, all I can say is that your top image looks fine to me - I wouldn't have said male pattern baldness for that one (the one in 2006)
(the image looks linked in OK - - maybe ImageShack's server is down. i will try again later.)

What Norwood are you now then?

I am seeing many, many people in their early 20's posting with severe male pattern baldness recently. Check out all of the posts in this board, almost every one is under 25 years old. Don't know what that's about but that can't be normal.
Some of them have practically gone from NW1 to NW6 in under 2 years. Something is afoot...


Senior Member
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hahah, yeah, that's the first thing I saw upon scrolling down for the first time :mrgreen:

Image Zoom extension for Firefox ftw