AHI in Jacksonville is BS and not a medical clinic


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Plus you would be pissed if you had your head butchered and nothing I said was a lie- I could care less if you use them or not but good luck with that- You will find out the hard way


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I have made it clear that AHI is one of 6 different Drs/clinics have worked on me. Add Dr Feller, Dr unger, Dr Zontos, Dr ********, DHI and AHI.

That has already been disclosed and I never received a single free graft from AHI in my lifetime.

Why not post your photos instead of trying to confuse the issue with lies and nonsense. I have learned a long time ago that forum members are more intelligent then you would imagine and I am certain they can see through your transparent BS.


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You are still dancing around the fraudulent pictures questions...ONE BELONGS TO SOMEONE NAMED DEAN FROM 5 YEARS AGO…Before said company existed. Yet you tried to pass off both as yours? Hysterical! You are, quite simply, a diabolical liar. Why are you avoiding the question? Hmmm....must be caught in a big fat lie. Yet you want us to believe your B.S. story...please tell us which clinic you work for, we would all like to know then, as my wife said, crawl back under your rock. After you take a valium, you sound like a frantic 7 year old little girl.

Give us the answers to the questions….as your posts are transparent and now comical. By the way, how many heads are actually on your body? Hmmmmmm


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More attacks by AHI spies- Ask AHI who the doctor is- I million dollars says you wont get answered. Balloonman did get free transplants in addition for him giving advertisments for this chopshop- Who is this doctor and if this a neglit company why is it so secretive?? Keep advertising AHI spies- it is very obvious


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You are still dancing around the fraudulent pictures questions...ONE BELONGS TO SOMEONE NAMED DEAN FROM 5 YEARS AGO…Before said company existed. Yet you tried to pass off both as yours? Hysterical!----------------------------------------
Im not dancing you moron!! Keep thiniking whatever you like - Those pictures are not some guy name Dean- You believe everything someone tells you- What an idiot you are!!

Hans Gruber

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JBurton said:
You are still dancing around the fraudulent pictures questions...ONE BELONGS TO SOMEONE NAMED DEAN FROM 5 YEARS AGO…Before said company existed. Yet you tried to pass off both as yours? Hysterical!----------------------------------------
Im not dancing you moron!! Keep thiniking whatever you like - Those pictures are not some guy name Dean- You believe everything someone tells you- What an idiot you are!!

thought id chime in here,you posted pics of someone else and tried to pass them off as yourself,so immediately you lose all credibility.

i guess maybe youre avictime of someone ,somewhere but at least be honest :hairy:


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JBurton (AKA SHILL),

You really had me for a nanosecond. I agree with “libertineâ€, you have completely lost all credibility. Until you posted your deceptive pictures, I was about to go in another direction with a clinic. My husband told me that somebody had been exposed as a shill (from another jealous clinic) and I had to log in. Why do you people do this? Why are you trying to confuse us? As a woman who is thinning and trying to find a clinic, I am disgusted by you and wonder why you (IP address) can’t be banned by the administrator because of being caught in a (as my husband would say) BIG FAT LIE!

You are part of the pollution that we have to sift through on these forums as we navigate towards the truth. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, if you’re able, you are truly the scummy slime that is at the bottom of the cesspool. People come to these forums (as we did) concerned and hoping to find a solution to an embarrassing problem. I can’t tell you how many times I have found myself in tears over my hair loss. Once we realized, through a friend, that there was a viable solution, we became encouraged, hopeful and even excited. This clinic would have to be as dumb as you are (which is moronic) to do anybody’s procedure for no charge. We found their prices to be very competitive. You could have misled a lot of people. How do you sleep at night? Oh, yeah, that’s right, under a rock.

We do not believe everything we read but it was you “JBurton†who posted two different heads not anyone else…what’s your answer for that. Then you came on again and insisted they are both yours? We are still laughing at you. The other site has had “Dean†on there for over five years (As much as it stings to hear…before that clinic existed…you should of thought this lie through better, the forum readers are much smarter than you think, especially for someone like you with 2nd grade grammar, spouting off like you have been treated badly “you poor baby†when you are just a shill and envious) and you conveniently cut out and pasted it as your own…wow, aren’t you a genius.

Post your receipt (with letter head) so we can all see you really went there.

P.S. When my husband told me about your most recent post, still claiming both heads were yours, it was enough evidence for us to both book with said clinic in the first quarter. Thanks for helping with the decision. In your case two heads weren’t better than one. Your intelligence is much appreciated.


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Wow, I'm confusted. I'm interesting in getting a hair transplant and live near Jacksonville, and it would be really great if I could get my hair transplant near home. However, after reading this board, I have no idea who's telling the truth, who secretly works for who, etc.

Anyway, for anyone that's had work done at AHI, could you please tell me how much they charge per graft? Also, what is the name of the physician(s) who works there?

Go Gators!


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Neither I nor my husband has had work done there yet. He had to book in February due to some difficultly getting adequate coverage at his work. We came to the conclusion after meeting with several hair transplant docs and they either couldn’t do what we requested or tried to persuade us to do strips. One of the hair transplant docs actually recommended this clinic to us as well. That spoke volumes. Shortly thereafter, my husband’s friend told us he was going there and the subsequent results were incredible. He is either 7 or 8 months post op and looks fantastic. It really inspired my husband a lot because he was pretty down about his hair loss. He told us that “compared to a strip it's a piece of cakeâ€. He said from the beginning of the procedure to the end all he did was watch movies and sports on a 30’ flat screen comfortably. I will try to get him to post for all to see. The clinic was very nice. They spent a lot more time with us than we expected and answered all our questions. Due to our medical back rounds we had numerous questions with regard to the entire process. Afterwards, they emailed and called us back when they said they would. Also, before we even asked for testimonials, they offered numerous patients to speak with, which we did.

All I can tell you is to be very careful. My husband and I spent a tremendous amount of time (months and months) researching this to determine where to go. It’s unfortunate that people log in with an agenda and post two different botched heads claiming both are theirs? Read their post again, decide for yourself, it’s very clear that they are crazy. Who would claim two definitely different heads are theirs other than conniving individual. Especially when another poster exposed the crook as one of the two heads belonged to another person “Dean†from five years ago. It's impossible to have had that procedure both a couple months ago (current con) and five years ago (Dean from another site) before current clinic existed? Our friend said this crook goes from forum to forum changing names with the same agenda (disparaging top clinics) until they get banned by the administrator. As I said in my last post, up until they posted the pictures, I wondered what was going on. After viewing the pictures and hearing from the other forum readers, it was clear this person had ulterior motives…. Which was to confuse people like you and me trying to find a solution.

By the way, the doctor’s name, forgive me if I don’t spell it correctly, is Dr. Salilma and is very nice and spent a lot of time with us. The price for my husband would be 4 dollars which was half as much as many established clinics we spoke with. There were some for a little less but after speaking with them and realizing the level, or lack there of, medical knowledge, our comfort level dropped.
Good luck!


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Thanks for the info SADDENED. Could you please let me know the name of the strip dr who recommended AHI?