Age 35 (look 50) Hair loss advice


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Hello I am curious if anyone would recommend getting a prescription for Finasteride.


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What's your family history of hairloss?

Doesn't look like you are thinning apart for maybe a tiny bit of recession in the corners.


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My dad had good hair, his dad had good hair, my brother has good hair (40). My mom's dad was bald, my mom's brother almost bald, my cousin on my mom's side balding, my cousin on my dad's full head of hair.


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My dad had good hair, his dad had good hair, my brother has good hair (40). My mom's dad was bald, my mom's brother almost bald, my cousin on my mom's side balding, my cousin on my dad's full head of hair.
Guess the gene could be there then. Do you know what age they went bald at?

Unless you actually know your starting to bald I wouldnt be taking finasteride, I'm thinning and I'm still not on it. My hairloss is slow.

Increased hair in the shower, shedding poor quality hairs, itching and scalp irritation are some early warning signs.

I would keep taking pics every year are monitor unless you think you are stating to thin.

I'm 36 and still got most of my hair, just a thinning area behind my left corner. I've always thought longer I keep it the less likely I'm going to a high norwood but that may be wrong
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My grandpa on my mom's side was bald early, not sure when. My mom's brother had decent hair until his mid 40s, but it was clearly thinning a lot more than mine. I used to have long hair so it was easy to spot in the shower, now not so much, also the grey doesn't show up in the shower so hard to tell.
I think there is a chance I am starting to thin in certain areas, but it tends to happen when I am working out or sweating a lot from work.
I think your way of thinking has some truth to it for most, but who knows. My right side is the one receding a lot more, but its also the way I brush my hair.
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Minor thinning, finasteride might help but has possible side effects. If money isn't an issue could get a small transplant


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You are 35. You are not going bald but it is not easy to keep a teenager hairline. I wouldn't worry too much.


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Thanks for the replies. So pass on the finasteride. I have tried minoxidil but didn't notice any change except that it made my hair feel really gross and my scalp itchy. Would anyone recommend some sort of shampoo or conditioner to help or is that even worth it?


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You have better than I've ever had in my adult life, other than the premature graying.


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Thanks for the replies. So pass on the finasteride. I have tried minoxidil but didn't notice any change except that it made my hair feel really gross and my scalp itchy. Would anyone recommend some sort of shampoo or conditioner to help or is that even worth it?
Why dont you just set yourself up with a dermatologist or trichologist? Ask them for a microscopic picture to see if there is a visible thinning.


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Why dont you just set yourself up with a dermatologist or trichologist? Ask them for a microscopic picture to see if there is a visible thinning.
Thanks for the recommendation. I went to a dermatologist a couple times early last year and she looked and said normal thinning for someone your age, but it seemed very quick and not in depth. I will have to try and find a new one, someone who specializes in hair. That way they can get me set up on a regiment or tell me to relax. Thank you again.


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Please, your hair looks completely normal and even good for a 35 year old

You probably just have some age related thinning, and I doubt your hair will get any worse from where it is right now.

The biggest issue i guess is the gray hair, which can always be fixed by coloring your hair


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I have been reading that receding on one side and not the other is a bad sign. Can anyone confirm this. My right side is much more receded than my left.


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I have been reading that receding on one side and not the other is a bad sign. Can anyone confirm this. My right side is much more receded than my left.
it looks about the same to me tbh

given your age and the fact you started graying early, i think you are not going to lose anything else aside from maybe slowly thinning out for the rest of your life


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it looks about the same to me tbh

given your age and the fact you started graying early, i think you are not going to lose anything else aside from maybe slowly thinning out for the rest of your life
thanks. So I am probably going to get one more trip to the dermatologist in a few months and see if they think finasteride is worth it or not. Any brand of shampoo that you think is good for the scalp. Right now I just use the stuff from Costco.