after 3 months



Hey guys...i dunno if i should post this in the success story yet coz im not sure if this is considered as an improvement or not, but i kinda feel so..

the 1st pic was taken on jan 1st ( day 1)
the 2nd on march 1st
and 3rd on april 1st (day 90)

im looking forward to reading ur comments..


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yeah i`d like to know too , my hair looks exactly like your Jan picture right now :(


ok here are some more pics...

i didnt use anything.. i just believed that my hair would grow back some day and it did....YEAH RIGHT !! i've been using minoxidil 5% twice daily and nizoral 1% every other day..i also massage my head everyday,i dunno if it had any effect i just liked the planning to use finasteride soon , start with a 0.5 mg dose then after a month or so i'll increase it to 1-1.25 mg.. the best advice i can give u is GET A BUZZ CUT AND FORGET ABOUT UR HAIR FOR ATLEAST 6 MONTHS..i think these medicines work better if u had a buzzcut plus massaging ur scalp with the right oils would b much easier..
gd luck guys !!


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Experienced Member
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wow dude! to me it looks like awesome results. i have a few questions if you don't mind:

1. How long do you leave nizoral in your hair during shower?

2. How many ml of minoxidil do you use and if you use the foam does the whole can last you a month?

3. Do you apply the minoxidil all over your scalp or certain areas?

YOUR HAIR LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER NOW! wow dude, you must be excited, since it's only 3 months you should expect much more improvement.

By any chance did you have inflammation before your started treatment and does ur head still itch now or is it gone?



thanks dude for the comments umm, i leave nizoral for 3-5 mins during the shower, i actualy use Sam's minoxidil..its like 12$ for 4 bottles ( 4 months) but i use 1.3 ml each time so its 2.6 ml a day, now im gonna try smthg else since my hair is getting longer, i wanna use liquid at night around 8 pm and foam in the morning ( rogaine foam at Sam's club is like 50$-4 bottles so i'll try to make eah bottle last a month which is not bad and finaly finasteride..
i used to apply min all over my scalp when it was short like during the 1st two months but now i apply it on my hairline and vertex..
hey listen i maybe be BSing now but i believe that one should keep it simple with the treatment and be patient..and get a buzz cut.. man when u do that u will totaly forget abt ur hair loss..and wash ur hair every other day..get enough sleep/rest..take like a regular multi vitamin ..u know what im saying keep it simple
This summer im gonna get another buzz cut and do it all over again..and abt the inflammation i dont think i had any but it used to itch alot b4 i started the treatment and my hair used to b very oily :S alright dude incase u have any more questions im here for ya
later bye


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There's definately an improvement. Whatever your doing keep doing it. I don't know how much success you'll have with lowering the hairline but hell it's worth a try.


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thats amazing after just three months... its a true success story!!
just imagine how well it will look in 9 months time!!!

has for your hairline... i think it looks gret now.... it may push half a centimeter forward yet... you never know.... but right now it looks like john terry's - the England football captain... and he has no hairloss... its naturally like this.....


today i've started taking finasteride ,as u can see i've tried minoxidil and nizoral for 3-4 months and now im adding next post will be in july 26. im hoping for the best..good luck guys


Experienced Member
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looks great man - can't wait to see you in a few more months once the finasteride has kicked in!
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I wish my results were as good with just minoxidil.... there is an improvement after 6 months of using it, but not as good as urs!
Good luck...


im almost 23 and i've been losing hair for almost 5 yrs now...i believe its true wat they say that u need to deal with ur hairloss as soon as possible and if u r young then u have a good chance at it...i just wish that i realized that when i was 18 but i didnt know abt minoxidil and finasteride until i joined this knowledge IS power..anyways..nowadays im using the foam on the hairline and the liquid on the vertex and i kinda feel that the liquid is better than the foam coz the foam doesnt spread on ur scalp like the liquid..oh well , i'll find out in a couple of months..good luck guys


these pics were taken on april 29/08
4 months on minoxidil and nizoral
2 days on finasteride


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Congrats needlesting, you must be very happy with the results!!! Since your doing so well, you know your going to get hit up with a ton of questions!! Just think of it as "giving back" t others! I hope you are able to answer mine?:
-Why jump on Finasteride if your doing so well with minoxidil?
-Did you shed at all from the minoxidil?
-Do you have any before pics with your hair longer like your after pics? If not, was it much worse (it's difficult for me to tell w/ a buz cut picture).
-You mention you wash with nizoral every other day. So what do you do between those days as your vertex must be oily from applying the liquid minoxidil?
Thanks needlesting, we do appreciate your feedback! Later


timallen45 said:
Congrats needlesting, you must be very happy with the results!!! Since your doing so well, you know your going to get hit up with a ton of questions!! Just think of it as "giving back" t others! I hope you are able to answer mine?:
-Why jump on Finasteride if your doing so well with minoxidil?
-Did you shed at all from the minoxidil?
-Do you have any before pics with your hair longer like your after pics? If not, was it much worse (it's difficult for me to tell w/ a buz cut picture).
-You mention you wash with nizoral every other day. So what do you do between those days as your vertex must be oily from applying the liquid minoxidil?
Thanks needlesting, we do appreciate your feedback! Later

hey tim thx man for ur be honest im not that happy with the results and im really thinking abt getting a buzz cut again and get back to the liquid minoxidil...
1-they say that finastride thickens the hair and like lets u keep wat u have kinda like a sheild..
2-ever since i've start rogaine foam i've experienced shedding especialy from the hairline coz thats where i put the foam :S (not good)
3-ofcourse i have b4 pics with longer hair,i'll post them 2moro
4- i use head and sholders but u know wat my hair hasnt been that oily ever since i've started my regimen
ok guys im thinking abt adding these vitamins to my regimen hehe im gonna put all of them in a blender with my protein shake and mix it up all together..wat do u think???
multi vitamin
silica 1500mg
biotin 5000mcg
MSM 1500mg
Green Tea Extract 500 mg
L-Arginine - 1,800 mg
Lysine -- 500 mg -


Established Member
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Thanks for your last reply man, I appreciate it.
Just a little confused on a couple things:
Weren't you always putting minoxidil on your hairline from the get go? I think what your saying is the liquid never made you shed where the foam is now making you shed?
Be careful, I believe you had said that you used to put the liquid all over the top but now only apply minoxidil to your hairline and vertex. Remember, if you stop applying it all over the top, you will shed those hairs from what I understand.
So, the liquid never made you shed at all?
Would you say your whole top and front has thickened up from the minoxidil? Sounds like a stupid question but your hair comparison pics are of different length so it's difficult to tell the improvement? Keep up the good work man!