Advise on seeing an hairloss expert please (uk based users o



I'm coming up to 7 months on propecia and feel it's time to see an expert to discuss my current situation plus future options on possible hair transplant’s etc. Anyone around the London based recommend anyone to see? Like at Harley Street or wherever....

Don't you think this would be a way forward?

Bare in mind I'm 2 month short of 24, probably a norwood 3, with my hair the worst it's ever been. I desperately want density back. So far I feel as if I've been paying £36 a month for propecia to destroy my hair. I don't know if it's a shed, but it's demoralising at present and I really need a specialists opinion. Not to mention a positive feeling on the situation.


Gunner, I am based up in North London (hampstead/camden).

Firstly have 28 proscar for around £32 (46 euro), they are based in Margeret street near Oxford circus

splitting these into 5ths will give you around 4.5 months supply, that's about 7 quid a month.

I think you might be hoping for a bit much from propecia and using the right shampoo, to beat this thing you will need to attack it on a few fronts like DHT inhibitors and a growth stimulator and an anti-dandruff shampoo and a healthy diet and vitamin and mineral suppliments etc etc, some here go futher with SODs and stimulating the repair and health functions of growth hormone through using secretagogues like L-Arginie, Glutamine and L-Lysine.

I don't know the names or numbers of any tricologists (sp?) in London but there are plenty, always a few ads in the Evening standard, I am pretty sure that regardless of what they discover the regime they recommend will be not dissimilar to advice found right here on good 'ol

good luck
