Advice needed: Propecia 3 years; Dutas 3 years; now what?


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Hi Im 29, first started losing hair when I was around 19/20. I started taking propecia when I was 22 and that worked for 3 years. When I was 25 my hair started falling out again. i moved on to dutasteride which worked for another 3 years til I was 28. For the last year or so my hair has started falling out again.

Anyone have any suggestions? Is it some sort of built up resistance to the drug or something? Should I move back to propecia or do a combination of both or try something completely different?

Any suggestions most welcome, thanks.


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It is said that the folicles become ultra-sensitive to DHT once it's been inhibited for a prolonged peroid of time. Plus even dutasteride leaves around 5% of the DHT to attack the folicles, so slight progression is to be expected. I wouldn't reccomend going back onto finasteride, it will just further increase your hairloss as it surpress 20% less DHT than dutasteride.

I'd suggest either upping your dutasteride dosage, or adding a topical. Perhaps fluridil been your best option, though expensive seems to be the most effective (excluded ru58841) and easilly obtatainable.


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what sort of increase of dutasteride to you suggest? Ive been taking 0.5mg daily.

I remember reading a study a while ago saying a 5x increase (2.5 mg) only makes a small difference, and the stuff is pretty expensive. Ive been taking avodart - does anyone know if Dr Reddy Dutas is just as good? bc if i increased my dosage id have to go on a generic.

What generic do ppl suggest?

And what increase is dosage?



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To be honest, I just put the increase dosage out there as another option, your best bet should be go for a topical like spironolactone or fluridil.

Should stop hairloss dead in its tracks.

And you are right about that study, Upping dosage to 2.5mg/d will surpress 95% serum DHT (which is only a 5% increase), but the difference is scalp DHT where 50% more is surpressed with 2.5mg/d than with 0.5mg

But it's rather skeptical whether scalp DHT plays an important role in hairloss. You could be a guinea pig if you like.


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I made a big order of generic dutasteride from that hairlossgenerics site recommended by users here (just checking is that site ok?). Ill report on results doing 2.5 mg / day.

As for those 2 topicals that you recommend - which is more effective spironolactone or Fluridil?


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I'm sure everyone would like to know the answer to that question, truth is nobody really knows. I havn't used neither so can't comment on either topicals. Fluridil seems to have better reviews from what I've read in comparison to spironolactone, but Fluridil is very expensive.

If you wan't to give your regieme a little extra, why not try buying some generic spironolactone and mix it up with your nizoral? Cheap and isn't really any hastle.


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nickypoos said:
It is said that the folicles become ultra-sensitive to DHT once it's been inhibited for a prolonged peroid of time

Do you have a reference? (study, quote, literature?)
Not accusing you, just genuinely curious :)


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Nope I don't have a refrence, don't think there is any scientific evidence to suggest this happens. Thats why I wrote "It is said" as many people on hairloss forums claim this is the case. Whether its true or not is up to you to believe.