Ace "lawn pattern baldness" commercial mocking baldness


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Howcome they didn't use a bald woman?


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Howcome they didn't use a bald woman?
Or a fat man, for that matter. It is absurd that a physical characteristic of a minority of people continues to be ridiculed by the majority of people whereas all other differences are "protected".


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wow, but unless evry lazy mother fuqer on here was going to unite and write nasty letters to ACE hardware and call the news to start something, shut up and take it like b****s


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^ Nice reverse psychology.

its really not. every time one of these commercials or posts etc comes out someone puts it up but none of you ever do anything. Ive even tried to get people to write over the minoxidil commericial but all of you are just defeated little pissants with most things, "oh why bother, well just be mocked for being offended" wurrr wurrrrrrrr

Dont bother posting and being miserable unless you plan to TRY and do something about it.


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Unfortunately, this is the way things are, and it's going to be like this for a very long time. I once watched a very interesting interview about Star Trek, and a reporter asked Gene Roddenberry why Captain Picard was bald:

Reporter: Surely they would have cured baldness by the 24th century.
Gene Roddenberry: In the 24th century, they wouldn't care.

We were born too soon for a cure and too soon for being respected and loved.

I saw an interview with Picard too, reporting this talk. In that interview Patrick Stewart admits he suffered like crazy for his hair loss.
It was an eye opener because he is used as an example of successful bald man. Yet he could not get over it.

here it is


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I used to watch that video the heart full of hope (and delusion).

"Look! I can make it as a bald man too... right? Well..." *returns to reality*.

No one will care. He wishes, people care more and more as the years go by.

It is really depressing that even people like him (good face and height) are badly damaged by balding decease not even in appearance matter but mentally.

And "No one will care about baldness till 24 century"... Sh*t. So true.


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I used to watch that video the heart full of hope (and delusion).

"Look! I can make it as a bald man too... right? Well..." *returns to reality*.

No one will care. He wishes, people care more and more as the years go by.

That actually really pissed me off, when he said that in the 24th century no one will care about baldness. What, in the 24th century we will be some super evolved and enlightened beings and no one will care about aspects of physical attractiveness anymore? Lol.
I hope he is right though. I hope no one in the 24th century will care about baldness anymore, but only because at that point it would have been cured 300 years ago. I rather have Earth blown up by an asteroid impact than live another 300 years with baldness on this planet. Fuuuuaack that.


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That actually really pissed me off, when he said that in the 24th century no one will care about baldness. What, in the 24th century we will be some super evolved and enlightened beings and no one will care about aspects of physical attractiveness anymore? Lol.

The point is that there is no real reason for a normal genetic and dominant feature to be perceived as negative. Particularly in men when it is caused by male sex hormones. The media and our obsession with youth is more to blame.


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The point is that there is no real reason for a normal genetic and dominant feature to be perceived as negative. Particularly in men when it is caused by male sex hormones. The media and our obsession with youth is more to blame.

Well, it is negative, isn't it? It influences your appearance in a negative way. It's caused by a genetic sensitivity to male sex hormones. You can have sky high DHT and never bald if that's what your genetics are like. Not like we are some supermen with extra male hormones. We have the same amount as everyone else, our genetics just suck.

The media is simply playing off what people naturally like. Young, attractive people. Everyone wants to be young and attractive. Would you age if you had a choice? Probably not. The fact that baldness ages you even faster is of course reason enough to dislike it.


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A person's outer looks and attractiveness have always been important and unfortunately baldness really does erode most people's looks. It's really that simple and that's why most of us are here. We all care deeply about the way we look and the vast majority of men will always look better with hair than without hair, some to a very substantial degree. With regards to Patrick Stewart, I just never thought he looked that good. He just looks old. It not impossible to look better as a bald man than with hair (The Rock looks better bald), but it really is the exception and not the norm.

The media makes fun of baldness because it is an easy target. If they made fun of a person's race or gender, they would be in a massive heap of trouble (and rightfully so). Yet it is perfectly acceptable to poke fun at baldness (and it is such a noticeable characteristic), and that is why they do it. Plus, commercials today are geared for complete morons. One is more stupid than the next. Whenever I watch TV, I ALWAYS mute the commercials. That's why I never saw this Ace commercial before. Because my TV was muted and I wasn't paying attention.

Whatevr, you're totally right about the genetic sensitivity part. A couple of weeks ago, I was lifting at this huge powerlifters gym on a weekly pass and there were guys there who were so roided up that it's a wonder their livers are not like concrete. Yet some of them still had full heads of hair whereas if guys like us (prone to hair loss) roided as much as these guys, it would wreak absolute devastation on our hair.


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I saw an interview with Picard too, reporting this talk. In that interview Patrick Stewart admits he suffered like crazy for his hair loss.
It was an eye opener because he is used as an example of successful bald man. Yet he could not get over it.

here it is

I think he did get over it, he had a combover and shaved it off when he was very young then become a superstar and sex symbol. So he is successful despite his very advanced hair loss. Shows that some people can carry it off very very well. Sean Connery is another example.



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I think he did get over it, he had a combover and shaved it off when he was very young then become a superstar and sex symbol. So he is successful despite his very advanced hair loss. Shows that some people can carry it off very very well. Sean Connery is another example.
It was not his decision to shave his hair, he says in the interview.
One of his close friends, a Hungarian judo black belt, held him as his wife cut his hair as he thought Mr Stewart's comb over was unbearable. Stewart also wore a toupée at auditions as he felt he had fewer chances as a bald person.
He eventually overcome it, but he says he felt horrible before he finally accepted it.