Accelerated hairloss and life lesson jibberish


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Hey thanks for the story,

Is there anyway you can explain the initial symptoms of testicular cancer? What made you go to the Doctor.... etc. Thanks in advance


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Hey.. no problem.

The funny part about it is that most of the time there are no symptoms that you feel. In my case, I had been educated about it before. My best friend had a very rare form of cancer in the same region when we were around 18 years old. He battled for 3 years and is very healthy today more than 6 years later.

I think because of what happened years before to my best friend, I was more alarmed when I felt an unusual bump down there. I showed my father who is a doctor and he scheduled an ultrasound for me. The rest is history. Within a couple of hours your told you have cancer and you need to part ways with your "rightie". If you have any more questions I'd be glad to answer them.

P.S. If you feel something down there get it checked out but there is a high probability that is is not a cancerous tumor. Anyways I'd be safe and see a Doctor.


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When i was in my last year of high school, all the guys in my year level had to watch a video about testicular cancer (where a naked man was actually showing you how to check, it made quite a few uncomfortable hehe) and then we were given a type of prosthetic scrotum where the testicles had 4 lumps, and we had to find them all, the first two were easy because they just stuck out, but the last two were very tricky. Goes to show that it's best to properly feel around if you're ever concerned.


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Never had to watch that video or play with any of those toy models but I guess its important cause it can easily be detected in most cases if you know what your lookin for.


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^^That's it.

btw, i don't know if you've mentioned this already, but are you currently on any type of regimen to try to get some regrowth?


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Hey Draco.. not sure if I mentioned it either.

Just taking Proscar cut in 5ths and Nizoral. I let my hair grow out from the shaved head and buzz cut this summer. The temples are looking awful and its a bit thin in front but I can kind of style it to get hide them. Still feel like buzzing it everyday to get over it, when it stresses me out..

I'm very self-conscious about how I look without hair (shape of my head, dark eyebrows, etc.) so its not a real solution anyways.


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^^Well keep us updated on how it's going :)

I know it might not be much hearing it from randoms online, but i think you look rather good with a shaved head.