Absurd 1000+ Hair/day Shed, Hairs Falling Out At Record Rate


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Hey man, how's it going? Any updates since last post?

I'm a few months in taking finasteride 1mg and am experiencing the same degree of shedding as you were. Freaking out and don't know what to do. Do I stick with it? Any advice? Thanks!!
Yeah, my hair is in fine condition, no worsening whatsoever, very stable.

As for advice, it's hard for me to give you advice since people seem to experience different things with similar symptoms. Like I said earlier, some people shed and it's a disaster for them and they lose all their hair, while other people shed and their hair is perfectly stable (like in my case). I can't give you much advice, I can only tell you my experience, which is that my shedding seems to have absolutely no negative impact on my hair at all. I'm still on brand name Propecia to this day and to this day my hair is great.

Maybe stick to it for another few months and see if the situation is worsening? It may be that your shedding is benign, like mine. Only way to find out is to stick it out for a little bit longer.


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You're a newbie and you're deceiving yourself. Your situation sounds a lot like mine in the case that I had incredibly thick hair but eventually diffused (evenly like you, sides and all) to the point where I can't have longer hair than 6 inches or it'll look thin. You say your density is unaffected but it is. Believe me it is. Nobody I've ever heard of just recovers density by letting things be. You will shed a little more, on and on, until one day you realize you can feel your scalp too much and not the familiar pillow you used to know. You won't feel the tingly sensation as much when a woman runs her hands through your hair. You will feel less.

Here's what I suggest doing, what I wish I'd done differently. People on here will very much disagree, because to them and their Norwood scalps all that matters is genetics. But they never had hair like you or I, they don't understand that that much hair isn't supposed to just diffuse all at once. They started balding at 12 years old.

Stress less, just take it easy. Don't think of getting revenge on an ex or contemplating prison time. Ditch your shitty diet and the DHT spikes it brings, opt for a more natural diet. Include good probiotics like kimchi which supports a good gut but watch the salt. Don't expose yourself as much to the sun and those aging rays that mutate your cells. Probably get on minoxidil, though that comes with a shed too but trust me you won't get better by just being on Finasteride. You will only slowly get worse. "Guys my hair is fine" No It's f*****g not you were shedding 1000 hairs a day what's wrong with you do you think you're regrowing all of that?
I was shedding 1000 hairs a day for a short period, and then it stopped. I no longer shed anywhere near that many hairs today. As for the diffuseness, I'm not diffuse by any means; recently cut my hair super short and still looked thick. It's been 2 years now and hair is fine. Finasteride has completely halted my recession, which if I hadn't taken any steps would be MUCH worse at the moment, considering the rate it was going at. Doubt "less stress," "taking it easy," "not thinking of getting revenge on an ex" (not sure where the f*** that's coming from LMAO), or ditching my shitty diet (it's not shitty) would have done much. My faith in kimchi re: restoring my hair is also thin.

All I know is, had I not got on finasteride by now I would've been at a hideous Norwood 4 and not getting much poon; as it is, I have a thick head of hair and have completely stopped my recession. You could be right that I'm slowly, at a gradual pace, thinning out, but I'd rather take 10 years to go diffuse than take 1 year to recede down to Norwood 4.

I'm curious though: how long did it take you to notice you were super diffuse?


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I'd say it took me 3-4 years until I realized I my hair was no longer as thick, but then again I only hopped on finasteride after my density had decreased significantly. I never had bad temple recession so I guess I thought it would just return you know. And it's been another 2 years after that to the present day, I can still make my hair look thick but it's an illusion. Maybe you did get lucky by hopping on Finasteride very early so good luck

Also I'm serious about the stress part, if you give IN to stress it'll f*** up your body. That's what triggered periods of vast shedding for me, like I seriously considered a felony and became sick and bed ridden for days over the thought of my life being over. I also went through several physical traumas like losing a part of my hand and my left eye. Obviously you can't control such things but you CAN control your thoughts if somebody ever wrongs you and you want to avenge yourself
I'll keep reporting back here as the years go by, so we'll find out for sure soon enough I guess. It really used to piss me off when people start threads then disappear into the void forever one day and you never get to find out what happened.


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How old are you by the way? I mean I was pretty much golden up to 26 that's when I started Finasteride although I shed heavily at 24 and 25 years old but with my density I never really noticed a difference until it was too late. Today I shed like 10 hairs a day if any, and only when I grow my hair long. Maybe you're still in your early 20s which means you still have that youth left in you
I'm 30 years old


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You did a good thing by getting on finasteride to keep your hairline but I don't get why you say you'd be NW4 by now without Finasteride if you only saw small signs of mbp at 28.5 years old. Since your shed was entirely from the Finasteride, seems like you were having a better than usual progression into your middle years
My hairline hadn't receded HORRIBLY but the amount it did recede was pretty bad considering all the recession happened in a short few months. I had perfect hair up til age 28, then just a few months later it had already receded like 1/2 an inch. On top of that, my father at that exact age experienced the same sort of thing and was NW4 after just over a year. Same with my grandfather. The males in my family have perfect hair until their late 20s, then rapid decline.


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Telogen Effluvium is a myth. Better luck having a beer with Falcor. My shedding started pre-treatments and got worse on treatments. At a similar rate. I had perfect hair when this started and now I’m a diffuse mess. This is my sink 2-3 times each day. Shower is 5x.
You are a good troll lol.


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Just reporting back here after a long time to say that everything is going well, no further hair loss despite occasional shedding, recession stable. I can confidently say that finasteride has worked for me and that I hardly ever think about my hair anymore.


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Just reporting back here after a long time to say that everything is going well, no further hair loss despite occasional shedding, recession stable. I can confidently say that finasteride has worked for me and that I hardly ever think about my hair anymore.
So u keep taking propecia? Not generic?


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Decided to update my experience after ages, was vaguely reminded of this post. Basically, it's been years on Propecia brand name now, zero further hair loss despite ongoing "shedding", no recession, no thinning up top, no negative symptoms, I don't really think about hair. The shedding goes on at a moderate pace but it seems to be counteracted somehow; no losses are sustained. I don't question it. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Good luck to everyone.